Mackey Chandler


There is some effort underway to go back and correct typos and errors in “April” and “Down to Earth”. It is not a hurry-up sort of thing but will be done eventually.

“The Middle of Nowhere” is updated.

A lot of punctuation added, and errors fixed. I believe if you delete your current copy and force an upload from your Kindle page on Amazon you’ll get the new version.

Editing of the new book –

Appears to be substandard. I’m going through it and try to clean up a lot myself. I have several people feeding me errors also. I have to admit after doing a compare of the two files my editor found mostly things I never would have caught. But the things he missed were still significant. I’m adding a ton of commas, (See there’s one!) because I have been told I hear the ‘obvious’ pauses in my own mind but others do not.  Anybody who wants to tell me about the errors that bother you just give me the entire sentence, and I can find it with the search function. I will post the new version to Amazon in a day or two. – Mac’

What do you think?

-About  “The Middle of Nowhere?

One of the difficult things about a series is the longer it gets the more previous material a new reader hasn’t seen. If you want the book to make sense to a new reader you have to fill in some information. There are more or less awkward ways to do this. But you still have to pick what is worth rehashing and how detailed it should be done.

Ideally a person will see it is a series and go back and start from the beginning, but I didn’t have the courage just to say – forget it, I’m going to tell them to buy April in a forward and not look back.

If you’d let me know what you liked or didn’t I’d appreciate it. If you do so in an Amazon review all the better


“The Middle of Nowhere” is uploaded

Whenever it gets done propagating through the Amazon system it will be live and available for sale.  I think I have it set to show on the Amazon Associate links on the right when it is up. We’ll see.

Thank you for your patience. I realize it is well past due.  I’ll leave it at $2.99 until the end of the month. There are people who may have gotten weary checking back and not see it at first.

Edited to add: Yes it is up this morning. Brett is right, but I didn’t stay up that late. It doesn’t show on my author page yet, but when it does I think the link will show to the right. Until then the page is:


“Common Ground and Other Stories” free 1/11 and 1/12

My collection of shorts and a novella. Friday and Saturday. Link to right.

Find my books on Amazon

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