Mackey Chandler

“Paper or Plastic?” is Free 4/1

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“Paper or Plastic?” has been edited heavily

I found a lot to correct. Not looking at it for a long time made the errors just jump out at me. I added a substantial portion of the unused commas in the universe. It won’t propagate through the Amazon system and be online until sometime this weekend though.

Minor problems –

Amazon generally works well. However I am having trouble updating my book description. They thought they fixed it once – but it never showed up. We’ll see if this time they can fix it.

“A Different Perspective” is finished

I have it out to edit and to a few beta readers. It was difficult to finish as I had a severe gout attack that left me sleep deprived and seems to have done some permanent damage to my right hand and wrist. I could not write while that was ongoing.

I have some images and will let out the cover to be done soon. After that I want to finish one of the stand alone books I have started, and if I can come up with some ideas I will do a few more shorts so I have enough of them to release a second collection.

Thanks for feedback in emails and those of you who did reviews.


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