Mackey Chandler

Anybody read the new book?

I’d sure appreciate if somebody would review it.

Got one – thanks.

“A Depth of Understanding” is up!

It should propagate through the Amazon system in the next couple days.
I have some thank you credits on the title page. This makes nine novels and collections of shorts total. Thank you all for your help and interest. -Mac’

A reader sent me some typos and errors this morning so I applied them to the text and loaded it. Should be up if anybody wants to force a reload.

“April” is free this weeked.

Do you have a friend who might like it?

Still waiting on an editor. Plus a new collection.

I’m waiting on one last fellow for errors. He’s good at this so I don’t want to lose his input.
I’m going to publish another collection of shorts. Not as big as ‘Common Ground’ but it will only be a buck. Most of the stories have been shared here on the blog, so you may not want to get it unless you want them on your Kindle.
Title is “Going Up?” and has an elevator theme on the cover.
Thanks for your patience.

Cover of new collection:


Next April book – almost there

Maybe three days for a few last errors trickling in – format and publish.
Then back to finish ‘The Long Voyage of the Little Fleet’.


“The Long Voyage of the Little Fleet” stands at 89k words. I have yet to get my copy for “A Depth of Understanding back from the main editor, although I have received a lot of corrections from two other readers.
I’m pretty sure I want to put some of my books in paper this year. It will be a sharp learning curve again, but I have several people who have been through it to advise me.
Any comments on how the readers feel about it and what is reasonable to pay would be appreciated. I’m 66 and everything looks too expensive to me. Consider – I was a plumber in 1970 and lived well on $125/wk. I bought a new Boss 302 Mustang with every bell and whistle, even stuff like a Detroit Locker rear axle for $3,600. Now when I go to buy stuff my mental scale is all off. I wanted a Pendleton wool shirt the other day and it was $138. I didn’t need it that badly. Somewhere in my hind-brain it’s still telling me that’s a week’s work.

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