Mackey Chandler

Fixed some stuff…

I’ve had complaints that I don’t attribute my quotes sufficiently. So I went through “Family Law” and added a lot of ‘Lee said’ – ‘Gordon said’ and changed he or she to names. I protested that when two characters are speaking back and forth it is obvious from context who is speaking. But the other writers I talk with all assured me it is clear in my head where I ‘hear’ what I am writing but not to readers.
I found a few double spaces and missing words too but nothing major.
I also corrected my habit of closing paragraphs with quotes while the same character is continuing to speak. I attribute that to my being a failure as an English student.
Most of the foolishness in English classes such as diagramming sentences left me in a stunned state of disbelief. I have been told my grammar is better in Spanish than English. I find that unsurprising as Spanish is much more consistent.
But for anybody who was bothered by those issues the new file on Amazon fixes them. It will be a few weeks before the paperback gets the changes.

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