Mackey Chandler

A very small snippet of April 8.

Raw and unedited as always.

“Perhaps you should look into how oil drilling platforms work things,” Jeff suggested. “That seems closer to the model of what we’re going to do.”

“The middle administration, yeah, but the legal situation is completely different. A platform attached to the sea bed is under law of the nearest country even if outside the legal limit. We’ll be a ship under way all the time. That has to have a different command structure,” Li insisted. “You might also consider how you want the vessel renamed. I assume you do not wish to retain a Chinese name. You’ll find some are still superstitious about that, but I doubt our Australians will worry about it.”

All this is exactly why we need your help,” Jeff admitted. “Carry on and let me know when we can drop a test flight. I’m really looking forward to it.”

“Thank you. I’ll keep sending you updates,” Li promised, disconnected, and immediately made a different call over a new concern.

“Chen? Li here. I just got through speaking with Singh. He wasn’t totally explicit, but he gave me the impression he wishes to drop on the first landing with new untested equipment. This is just totally irresponsible for him to risk himself. No way do I want to confront him on it, but if that’s what he really meant we have to find some way to dissuade him.”

“I’m not sure how to do that,” Chen admitted. “I work for him, as do you.” he reminded Li.

“He’s a minor investor on this venture isn’t he? Leak the possibility to the other investors and they’ll have a fit that their golden goose is going to play test pilot,” Li suggested.

“Maybe, if I can do it and not get caught, or act like I didn’t think it would be any big deal to reveal…Yeah that’s the way to do it. He’d believe it was an innocent act easier, because that’s how he thinks. He’ll put all the blame on the other investors for not being reasonable, by his measure.”

“I knew you’d figure out how to handle it,” Li said. “Thanks.”

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