Mackey Chandler

Another little teaser – FL5 – rough

“Master Leonardo, I overheard something of interest.” Atlas said. “The odd couple were running a new disk on the machine and sitting guarding it again. But they received a call on their phones. Born spoke with their patron and indicated they had been called to a meeting as soon as they were done. I heard the name Singh which I looked up. It is a common Human name. And they are instructed to meet at the Old Hotel. Also, there seemed to be some disagreement between them over who was in charge.”

Atlas didn’t repeat the exchange about not trusting Leonardo. From experience that would just get his superior angry, and he didn’t process information well when angered. In fact some of the irritation seemed to stick to the messenger no matter what the source. Dealing with his professor’s prickly personality was always walking a tight-rope. Besides, why should Born trust them? He wasn’t a fool as far as Atlas could see.

“Really? Perhaps now would be a good time to pay a visit to their storage area and see what they are doing while they are busy elsewhere.”

“Do you have somebody who can defeat locks?” Atlas asked.

“Not to worry,” Leonardo said, “I have a master key.” He walked to the hand tool bench and selected a stout forged wrecker bar. “Let’s go.”

Micro-Snippet of F.L. 5 – rough

-Gordon is the only Derf I’ve sat and talked with, and that in a group.”

Strangelove’s face changed, and it wasn’t a cute smirk with the corners curled up.

“OK, you flashed on something strong there, but I can’t read what,” Jeff admitted. “Is there a problem between you and Gordon?”

“No, not at all, not a problem. Its difficult to explain. Name who comes to mind if I say: The greatest Human military strategist who ever lived.”

“Sun Tzu,” Jeff said without hesitation.

“I haven’t heard of him, but as you are learning, we tend to only be taught what applies to our specialty in the clan,” Strangelove said. “But imagine if I said to you. I’m happy to sit and chat with you, because my contact with Humans has been limited. The only fellow I’ve ever chatted with was Sun Tzu.”

“That… might be a little intimidating,” Jeff admitted.

“It has to be rough for Garrett,” Strangelove said, “because he’s Champion and head of the military, but when it comes to space warfare and strategy all he can really do is turn Gordon loose to do his thing and be glad he has him. There really isn’t any way he could pretend to direct him without looking ridiculous.”

“No one person can’t know everything,” Jeff said. “We all depend on others who have specialties. But I don’t want to talk to you about military tactics. I’m not terribly interested in that, so there no need to compare yourself to Gordon that way. If fact I never talked space warfare with him and likely never will. I want to get a feel for Derf personalities. At least you do show emotions on your face. Even if I can’t read them well, it’s a start.”

“You should watch some children’s videos,” Strangelove suggested.

“Now that’s nothing I expected to hear,” Jeff said. “Tell me why.”

“They exaggerate all the facial expressions and emotions in their voices to beat the kids over the head with the message. Not ever cub is destined to be a great thinker you know. You will see what Derf consider their basic values they wish youth to learn. We may not all manage to live those values perfectly, but as you said, it’s a start. You can’t even tell if somebody is being a jerk if you aren’t sure what they are supposed to do by local standards.”

“I think you are basically describing a morality play,” Jeff said. “If they are for children then I imagine they are all in Derf.”

“Yes, but the auto-translation is pretty good now and it can caption while you hear the Derf. It wouldn’t kill you to learn a little Derf,” Strangelove suggested.

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