Mackey Chandler

New book published.

Decided to go with “Another Word for Magic”.
Just uploaded it to Amazon. Sorry – can’t make link work. Cut and paste please.

Another Name for Magic

Should be published in the next day or two. Errors are pretty much done and just waiting on a cover.

April #5 and #8 re-edited

A Depth of Understanding – and – It’s Always Something.
I just uploaded #8 at 10am 3/22 so it will take a little time to propagate in their system.
They both should have improved spelling and grammar for those who get jolted out of the story by errors.

Family Law 6 to beta

The title is “Another Word for Magic”
I thought I had another reader promised and can’t find my note.
If you have skills and experience and I’ve missed you volunteering drop me a note at
The comments address here is useless – full of spam ans a horrible interface. It’s hard to even delete messages. I’d turn it off if I knew how.

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