Mackey Chandler

An unedited snippet of my WIP

“If we ever eat again after this,” Lee said. “The pastry tray has certainly grown since the last one I ordered.”

The server smiled.

“We have a new pastry chef and she’s showing off.”

He left happy they noticed.

“You see why the staff like her?” April asked. “She not only said thank you, she chatted with him like a person. Lots of the rich and famous treat the help like furniture”

“That’s pretty stupid to do with the people handling your food,” Lee said. “That’s begging for karma to make a special guest appearance.”

“She’s so polite she says thank you to the house computer,” Tish told them.

“Better to always use it than forget for someone who will miss it,” Lee insisted.

“I can’t fault that,” April admitted.

“Sweet little shrieking goddesses!” Tish said around a full mouth.

“What is it dear?” Lee seemed worried.

“What are these?” Tish asked holding the half she hadn’t bit off. The entire tray was rimmed with them.

“Baklava,” April said, “but it looks like she gave us several kinds. Some are made with pistachios, some with walnuts, and these little cups look like they’re maybe almonds.”

“There are Greek and Persian kinds,” Jeff said. “Probably others. They use different spices. The Greek Isle Bakery in Armstrong must sell a dozen kinds.”

Tish finished hers, licked her fingers, and looked like she was having a hard time deciding which kind to try next.

“Nobody ever told us such a thing exists.” It seemed an accusation.

“Badgers like sweet stuff,” Lee said in a huge understatement.

“This is all expensive stuff, labor intensive,” Jeff explained. “It usually requires a big population making good money before an area can support markets or restaurants with these kinds of ethnic treats. If they have a good pastry chef here now you should ask if she can make you some strudels or fancy cakes for you.”

“Oh, I will, I will,” Lee vowed.

Tish had another in hand but delayed to ask Trix what he thought.

He held up a sticky digit, unwilling to rush the experience so she went ahead.

Trix replied in his own sweet time.

“I think we should do whatever necessary to learn the art of these and introduce them to Far Away. Grandfather can set a shop up in town and share the fortune these will make. That can start to repay him for all the extraordinary kindness he showed us. He owed basic hospitality but he made us comfortable.”

“Fine, it’s a plan, but what do you think of them?” Tish insisted.

“I see four kinds and I think I must limit myself to one of each or I will binge on them until I am sick.”

“I think he means he likes them,” Lee interpreted.

Tish just nodded, her mouth full again.

“Watch out he doesn’t try to steal your pastry chef away before you get a decent chance to enjoy her,” Jeff warned.

“That reminds me of a funny story about when we first started the cabbage mines at Central,” April said.

The Badgers nodded, eager to hear but busy chewing.

A couple of hours later Lee had a much better sense of what the triad were and how they arrived at their power than she had before. April and Jeff kept prompting each other, one memory triggering another, laughing at remembrances. Their old habit of deflection and avoidance was abandoned. They answered questions freely Even embarrassing questions about failures and missed opportunities.

Jeff and April’s internal clock finally caught up to Derfhome time and they were ready for a late dinner. Lee was far more than ready Tish looked repelled at the idea. A huge swath of the pastry tray was bare in front of her. She made a negating gesture and invited them to proceed without her before excusing herself to waddle off to bed. Trix was visibly conflicted but decided it was his duty to escort her back to their suite.

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