Mackey Chandler

A sale

My readers and Amazon have been really good to me. I thank all of you who like my stuff. Amazon even kicked in a $1,000 All Star bonus for Sept. because I had over 4.5million page views. I’m going to knock a buck off all the full sized books on Dec. the 15th and leave them like that through the 22nd. If you want to load up some reading for your holiday time off or pre-load a Kindle you are giving to somebody have at it.

7 responses to “A sale”

  1. Mike M says:

    Congratulations on the page views! Your work is outstanding, it’s nice to get positive reinforcement that lots of people believe that to be so.

  2. ChuckC says:


  3. Cheryl says:

    Excellent such positive feedback is always welcome

  4. Joyce says:

    Not wanting to nag, or jostle your elbow while you’re working, but might there be a holiday treat in store for your readers? A new release, maybe, I hope?

    • Mac says:

      Maybe. I’m almost done – problem may be my beta readers may be busy. Have to see if Sarah can find time for a cover too.

  5. Shelly says:

    Write faster! If you need an extra beta reader/spellchecker let me know!

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