Mackey Chandler

A short snippet of WIP – rough as always

“I’m just thinking about the hooting,” Lee admitted. “If it has to be understood as a matrix instead of linear then it may be really complex. You might have to read an instruction on how many rows and columns to assign the rest of the statement. Probably a number upfront too. What if they read them on the diagonal too? And what if they do different geometries? What if they arrange statements radially around a center one? At different radii to show probability or strength of emotion? ”
“Is there some coffee available?” Talker asked, overwhelmed.
* * *
Hoót-hoöt-hôôt – stared at the screen in shock and amazement. These insane scary beings had actually tried to say something coherent. It was as crude as a six segment grub might do, but it clearly was an attempt at structure. But what was the statement? He could read it three ways easily. And a couple meaning held subtle inferences…
But no. Subtle wasn’t something to look for here. The ugly thing was off center, weighed to the side and crooked. It was… curt, without any moving images. Just like the aliens had barked at them before. They weren’t trying to be rude, Hoót-hoöt-hôôt realized. They were horribly handicapped in language.
Several eyes needed to see this before he replied. Wisdom is multiplied by the abundance of a word, he remembered the school phrase so often repeated. The matrix was one word to him, and his language an infinity in which a word was composed at need and might never be repeated. Linear sentences were for simple limited minds. Hoót-hoöt-hôôt called six of his peers.

10 responses to “A short snippet of WIP – rough as always”

  1. DitN says:

    Very neat!

  2. Leigh S. says:

    Snippet of WIP!
    Is WIP the title?
    Thanks for the snippets and the books.

    For the April series,
    If it fits your story line, small asteroids as small as 2 meters have been id — listed at the bottom of web site Could find high carbon for moon and high metal (Pt and Au) for the Solar coins.

  3. Ed Patterson says:

    It should be ‘school phrase’, not ‘school phrased’.

    They are meeting interesting beings.

    I look forward to the book.

  4. Terry Dean says:

    I’m starting to see a problem with this book. Too many aliens! If all these different species are discovered on the first long voyage of the Little Fleet, what new kind of life is left for later voyages to find. If Earth even allows them to leave again, considering the news they are bringing home.

    Actually, I am less interested in more new aliens than in seeing Earth’s reaction when the Little Fleet returns. That has got to be a stellar moment!

  5. Cheryl says:

    To quote Spock “fascinating”

  6. Mark May says:

    Thoroughly enjoyed snippets…release date?

    • Mac says:

      Hoping for July. Life keeps getting in the way. Shopping – car repair – cooking dinner. I need minions. Serious live in minions.

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