Mackey Chandler

Another little snippet of FL#5

“I never expected her to buy a new machine,” Born said. He said it in a perfectly normal controlled voice, but his eyes were as big as saucers. Musical had to admit he was pretty impressed too. Neither did Lee hide the cost, the machine having a manifest pocket glued to the crate, and another sticker declaring it was priority freight, not subject to bumping and bonded out by the carrier with triple indemnities due for damage, lose, or delay in transit. On opposite ends of the crate they had bump tattlers mounted to document any rough handling. The bright orange instrument packages were prominent to act as a deterrent more than simply reporting.

“I bet the Fargoers are much less likely to let the sales of specialized equipment leak out to the Earthies,” Musical said, “besides being closer. I just didn’t know if they made this sort of thing or if they bought it from Earth.”

“Twenty seven million a hundred eleven thousand dollars Ceres to haul this from Fargone!” Born read aloud. “That’s actually about ten times what I would have guessed. But I have never had anything delivered interstellar freight over five hundred grams.”

The driver, who seemed to be the boss of the two delivery workers, looked at him funny. “You’d be about right, for this case.”

“What do you mean?” Born asked.

“That’s the price for the whole shipment,” the fellow explained. “You have six other big containers and ten smaller boxes. Everything in the truck is yours. It’s all the mixing mills, vacuum and power support equipment. A control console and all the cables and pipes and crap to make this work,” he said, patting the first crate safely on the cart.

“Where the heck am I going to put this?” Born asked.

“I don’t know, but you already signed for it,” The driver said. “My responsibility for it ends when it is safely on your dock, or in this case, on the pavement outside your door since you guys have no real loading dock. I’m being a nice guy and helping you wheel it in, because this is a special handling order, and the only delivery I have to make today.”

30 responses to “Another little snippet of FL#5”

  1. Kyle says:

    Yay can’t wait to know what they do with the equipment. Though my guess is it is all super conductor manufacturing equipment.

  2. Scott carle says:

    It’s weird I can leave a reply or comment here using my cell phone however if I try to use my computer I keep getting told that I’m just spamming and I’m blocked.

    Seriously this is almost painful I’m really really waiting for the next book.

    • Mac says:

      Not sure why Scott. Maybe a cookie? Try removing them related to WordPress. I only mark comments spam that are trying to sell stuff here or using an obvious commercial address like to try to slip under the radar and get some traffic.

  3. James Milton Crutchley says:

    love the little bit and pieces you leave for all of us to read. Can’t wait for the book. Enjoying the anticipation of waiting!

  4. Cheryl says:

    Verrrrry interesting ?

  5. Todd Stewart says:

    I smell a quantum fluid fabber! Real space drives for real aliens!

  6. Melvyn says:

    Anticipation is building. Really looking forward to the next episode.

  7. Ann says:

    Any rough idea when the book could be finished?

  8. Big Ben says:

    Minor typo … “Triple indemnities due for damage, LOSS, or delay …”

    Anyway, can’t wait to see how this newest teaser plays out. It’s always fun getting a glimpse of the sausage being made.

  9. chuck says:

    Mr. Chandler, I found an interesting NASA proposal. An AeroStat base in Venus’s atmosphere. I don’t know how you would use it in your stories, but it could be interesting!

  10. Kevin says:

    Any eta on books. If remember book 5 of family law is end of start of year. However your stand alone was next, so I figure should be out soon?

    • Mac says:

      It’s out to readers. Waiting on a cover also, but that is not a hold-up.

      • Kevin says:

        Thanks can’t wait. I’ve been on a bad run lately. Read lots of duds this month.

      • Jennifer says:

        Mac, is it the next stand alone that this post is in regards to?

        • James Milton Crutchley says:

          Mac if it is a standalone ebook is it in the same universe or are you branching out into a new story line? And how is the editing going? Is is still being edited and do you have a cover yet? What is left to do for production and where are you in the process?

  11. Don C says:

    Hmmm I’m guessing it is a huge 3D printer.

  12. James Davis says:

    Coffee synthesizer? (No beans needed.)

  13. Ann says:

    Just re-read the last Family Law ebook.
    Good editing, only 1 subtle mistake noted.

  14. John Leggett says:

    Mac any update on the stand alone book?

  15. James Milton Crutchley says:

    Mac any updates on the release of the ebook you mentioned?

    • Mac says:

      I have preliminary drawings but still waiting on the cover. I used the time to go through it and it’s better for it. I moved some scenes around.

  16. Celia B says:

    If you write it, I will read it. Can’t wait for the next story…. Whatever it may be!

  17. Jerry says:

    It could be very interesting if Jeff has to bargain with Lee after she figures out the formula for the secret fluid that is key to his technology. A reversal from the three refusing to share technology. I could see them trading the gravity lance for the formula.

  18. Terry Dean says:

    Jeff’s stepmother has the formula for the quantum fluid, she just produces limited amounts to maintain security. Once she discovers there is another source, she will probably increase production and may tell Jeff the process. Jeff developed multiple uses in both spacecraft and weapons for the fluid over the decades, so I wonder if Lee’s team will discover them on their own or will Jeff reveal all its properties.

    I also wonder how the repaired gravity system the Caterpillars traded Lee compares to Jeff’s system and if it uses the same fluid. And what about the Badger’s imperfect gravity system? From the description given in the last book, it uses a different superconducting material.

    • mark says:

      And who knows? Maybe Lee’s research will develop something that will have Jeff smacking himself in the forehead over – again.

      What would be really interesting is for the Trio to have to approach Lee in order to purchase a new tech.

  19. Anon E. Mouse says:

    lose in the 1st para s/b loss

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