Appreciate your support and kind words.

Some of my reviews are over the top. I’m no genius. Some of the people I know are much smarter than me. I’m an old blue collar worker and mid-wit who likes to spin stories. I thank everyone for reading them. I’m amazed this last book has sold very well in non-English speaking countries. Mexico and India where before I might have zero sales any one month. Japan is paying me over $500 this month.
On the 20th of this month (Sept.) I’ll have my second shoulder replacement. It will be nice to be able to do things like replace a smoke alarm battery or a shower curtain. The pain level will go down too.
Family Law #8 is past 17k words and other stories advanced a little.
Thanks guys. – Mac’

9 Responses to Appreciate your support and kind words.

  1. Margaret September 12, 2024 at 1:27 pm #

    Praying your surgery goes well. Had rotator cuff surgery a few years ago, so know the pain you’re going through. Hope your recovery is speedy so you can write more stories. I read them all (several times).

  2. Hauke September 12, 2024 at 4:23 pm #

    It may be sound a little bit egoistical, but I wish you a speedy AND FULL recovery.
    Some of us a literally addicted to Lee shenanigans.
    Get well soon!!!

  3. Dorcas Gray September 13, 2024 at 5:18 am #

    Here’s hoping you have a quick recovery and spring back to action soon!

  4. Jim September 13, 2024 at 7:29 am #

    From one blue collar worker to another, I very much appreciate your stories, they bring much needed escape during my tarnished golden years!

  5. Cheryl September 13, 2024 at 5:59 pm #

    Mac believe me you have a loyal following. You are a wonderful storyteller. I own all your books and have read and reread them all many times.

    Take care of yourself. Surgery is a pain literally and figuratively but once you heal it is so much better.

  6. Big Ben September 13, 2024 at 9:24 pm #

    Hope all goes well.
    This gettin’ old thing ain’t for sissies, as my Grandma (who lived to 98) always said. The older I get, the more I realize she wasn’t complaining so much as stating a simple truth. Now I find myself muttering that to the youth in the family and I just know they’re politely refraining from rolling their eyes, just as I did when I was their age. 😄

  7. Robert September 13, 2024 at 10:35 pm #

    I just finished “A Reluctant Sovereign” and I just can´t wait for the next book. May your surgery go very well and your recovery speedy and complete. I do read in english although my first language is german, and I can only compliment you on your way with words and storytelling. Your characters are well thought out and likeable. The interactions are great, the synergies wonderful. I can easily imagine enough material in the April/Lee Universe to tell at least 10 more books worth of stories ( well I DO hope for that *grin*)
    All the best wishes from Germany

  8. Rick September 14, 2024 at 7:30 pm #

    Hi, Mack. Don’t sell yourself short, being able to write a good story is a gift that not many people can claim. I attempted novels that have been critically but were really good stories that I enjoyed as much I do your stories and I’m a prolific reader. I’m retired and that’s how I spend my time and your stories I find engaging and immensely enjoyable. So much so that I read each series when new books are published and can’t really say that about many of the authors whose books I read. Anyway, that said, good luck with the surgery and take care of yourself and your wife. I’ll purchase any books you gift us with, anytime you get around to finish them.

  9. Steve September 15, 2024 at 7:05 pm #

    I don’t think that what someone did as a job or career have anything to do with how good a writer they might be. Imagination and the empathy to put themselves into the minds of real or imaginary people. The kind of persistence needed to take an idea or set of ideas from the mind to the paper of a finished story is also something that is not tied to a job career or even an age bracket. Your writing is engaging, I have re-read your series many times, so I salute your craft. Thank you.

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