Mackey Chandler

April 10 – A tiny snippet

“Nathan, I heard you missed your lunch companion, Adam,” Head of Security for Mars Base, Liggett asked the warehouse man, Tolly.

“Well we weren’t buddies, but I spoke to him once or twice. He seemed like a nice fellow and somebody said he was transferred. I hope it was a promotion.”

“No, we went through the recordings and we found you never sat at the same table with Adam. Not once, and twice is simply not credible.”

“Maybe we are talking about different people?” Nathan asked. “Adam is the name I remember. We never talked enough that I knew where he worked or anything.”

“Come along,” Liggett said. “We’ll put you under the cap and help you remember,” he offered. With the two big security guys behind him it wasn’t an offer he could really refuse.

13 responses to “April 10 – A tiny snippet”

  1. Ann says:

    Are there really two factions on Mars – Scientists and Admin and if so why aren’t the Scientists firming up their support and control and why is Admin/Security reducing its support base by dictatorial actions.

    In a fragile ecosystem upsetting the people who maintain it is risky. Some people respond to abusive power by engaging in a lose/lose interaction rather than let the abusive power have a win’lose interaction with them. Murder and suicide isn’t uncommon.

    In a fragile environment everything needs to go right to be safe.

  2. matthew martin says:

    there is a video the you mit find useful

  3. 1Stew says:

    Is there more than 200 people now? His excuses seem strange if that is the size of the population. I would think everyone would know a tiny bit about everyone. Like a small town with lots of gosip as there is nothing else going on there socially. With a fair amount of speculation (who is that new guy?) if the friction of the “Experiment” or social conflict is producing pressure. My class in high school only had 126 people. I didn’t know (have conversations) them all but I knew of (could point them out) them for this guy to claim that he might have had the wrong person…absurd. If he is truly hoping to push a lie.

    • Mac says:

      I’ve seen spin master layer on the bull pretty thick. Think quasi-military organization with separate shifts and departments and security protocols by the paranoid more than high school.

  4. Mark says:

    Any update yet as to when we might expect next April or Family Law?

  5. Biz O. says:

    Well, the “Grey Men” always find a way…. don’t ya know. ?

  6. William F Fain says:

    Any news on April…have not heard in a while

  7. Bree says:

    Hi hi,
    Any word on the new April release?
    Looking forward to reading it when it’s out.

    • Mac says:

      Coming up on 98k words. I expect it to be out to readers in a month and I’m promised a cover already.

  8. Maelstrom says:

    Am seriously looking forward to April 10. The Suspension is torturous. Kerp up the good work.

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