Mackey Chandler

April 14 is done

Tentative title: Here’s to the Future. 122k + words. Out to betas soon and need a cover.

23 responses to “April 14 is done”

  1. Soenke says:

    Finally !

    Only half joking ;-). I have finished my re-reading last week.

    Take your time and do it right.

  2. Ethir Nandor says:

    I am really looking forward to the next book. But your health and family come – of course – first.
    Us fans can be eager and patient at the same time.

  3. Teresa says:

    Can’t wait to read it!

  4. Zebulon Dakota says:

    I’m really looking forward to reading it! Hope your life is settling down into a better place now.

  5. Benny E. Floyd says:

    I just started my re-read of the entire series, as I do whenever you have a new book come out. Even after the 10th reading, your books remain my favorites. Thank-you for all the enjoyment your writing has given my entire family.

  6. Cheryl says:

    I will be doing some rereading also and will get my copy as soon as they are on sale

  7. Brent says:

    Good news about the book, but sorry to hear of ongoing health struggles for you and the missus. I was hoping the warmer weather might help with some of that, but not all things can be fixed by staying warmer unfortunately.
    Per your other comment – biscuits are indeed a thing (having just moved from the southwest back to the south myself). They can show up in any meal, but I particularly enjoy them with white gravy, fried eggs and bacon!
    Happy to help again with the beta-ing if I’m still on your list.

  8. Jim says:

    Thank you, Mac!

    • Mac says:

      I have a first reader who I found more errors and had the best advise on plot problems. I run it past him and then send it to Beta readers. If it’s very clean going to them they tend to find different problems. If there are any late responses it’s still easy to make changes after publishing with e-books. Once I have a clean copy I upload it and a cover to Amazon – filling in many details like price and a blurb for the sales page. It will appear for sale within a day. Usually faster.

  9. James says:

    What is the process for release? Do you send it to beta readers, then… I am curious as the process you follow. I have never written a book so I have no clue about how it all works. Glad to hear it is getting closer to release. Hope you are doing well.

  10. Melvyn says:

    thank you Mac. Will start re-reading the series in anticipation

  11. Anders Friis says:


    Amazon will ping me as soon as any of your books are released so I can reread and get in the groove to enjoy a new one 🙂

  12. Mervyn Thomas says:

    I’ll start re-reading in happy anticipation. Thanks for the pleasure your books have given me.

  13. Tim Fay says:

    yay! been waiting. take care of yourself and your family though, I CAN be patient. . . .

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