Mackey Chandler

April – hardcover

I just published the first hardcover version of one of my books. April was just able to squeak under the 550 page limit Amazon set on their new in-house publishing service. It was a challenge getting the cover accepted as it needs wrap to go around the boards. It’s a case bound book with no dust jacket – the cover design is right on the wrap. I went matte finish as I always thought glossy looked cheap. I hope this helps those who have a hard time reading off a monitor. My others will follow as I am able.

6 responses to “April – hardcover”

  1. Sarah says:

    It has been added to my list! Hopefully I can convince a family member to buy it for an upcoming birthday.

  2. Mac says:

    I see three sales for the hardcover for an upload that had some errors. If you got a defective book just mail me at and tell me what was defective (to keep people from just asking for a free copy) and I’ll replace it.

  3. Ann says:

    Any snippets from your new work in progress?

  4. Mervyn Thomas says:

    I’ve read most of your books multiple times. Some I have purchased outright on Kindle, some I have accessed repeatedly from Kindle Unlimited. What gives you a better return: purchase or multiple (say 4 times) borrowing from Kindle Unlimited?

    I’d rather use whichever method gives you more income.

    • Mac says:

      Thanks Mervyn. I only get paid for one borrow. Buying the book gives me very slightly more – maybe fifty cents. However, if you borrow it and then buy it I get paid for both. If you read them several times please do borrow them. It’s better for you and I’m not grubbing for every buck. I was making about 50/50 from sales and borrowing a year ago but now borrows are about 2/3rds of my pay. I make very little from print – less than e-books. I just did a few as a service more or less for people who can’t tolerate a screen. I tried to set them at a reasonable price. I’ll do more when I have time. Probably in the winter. This isn’t my living it is extra money and I appreciate that. It let me do things like buy a new truck in 2017. I’d have bought a two or three year old if it were not for writing.

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