Mackey Chandler

April on the cheap

From Amazon….
Congratulations! We selected the following title(s) for a Kindle Deal on Amazon will handle the price updates during this period.

– April (April series Book 1) will be discounted to $2.49 in a Kindle Daily Deal which runs on Feb-07-2024.

8 responses to “April on the cheap”

  1. Cheryl says:

    Good for you? Recognition from Amazon and draws in more readers

  2. Monica says:

    I also hope this is good for you. The April series and Family Law are very special stories and I’m committed to owning them all! Looking forward to your next book. I hope your surgery goes well.

  3. Brent says:

    I can vouch for that being a motivator to people who have never read your books. I think I discovered your April series when book 1 was either free or 99 cents. Not so much about the price as about it showing up on promotional websites (and mailing lists in my case) as a result of the reduced price. The price did also help as I would just routinely download anything that looked promising if it cost less than a dollar.
    I followed a similar strategy when releasing apps on the Apple Store. I found that if I offered them for free for a while before charging for them I would end up with more long term sales. Although the App Store is a bit different because I also get ad revenue from my free apps which eventually greatly exceeded my sales revenue on a per app basis.
    In any case I suspect this will have a positive impact on your sales!
    Best regards,

  4. Andy says:

    I think I found the April books when book one was “read for free” and then went back and bought them. More readers is probably a good thing, at least for you.

    I hope you surgery goes well and that you feel well enough for some writing. I’m greedy and need more of your fun story telling.

  5. michele says:

    I have thought of your surgery and the difference it will likely make to your mobility and long term comfort. I am wishing you the best recovery and future health. May you aches be minor and of short duration.
    Best wishes,

  6. Gerald Mooney says:

    Been trying all over to find a copy of book #6 in the April series. Amazon simply says it is unavailable in my country. I really hate censorship, unless it was withdrawn by the author. Can anyone tell me where i could get access to this book in any format?

    • Mac says:

      Will send you a fix.

      • Colleen Curran says:

        I’m in the same boat as Gerald. I actually bought the first five when you originally offered them, and I know I read #6, but with the reminder of the newest Family Law, I went back to reread the entire April series from #1. I cannot get # 6 anywhere.

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