Mackey Chandler

Audiobook up

My first audiobook is available at Tantor or the Amazon sales page for “Family Law”.

8 responses to “Audiobook up”

  1. Eric says:

    On chapter 10. Joe does a good job. It’s not synced so you cant read along. Not an issue for me. 4/5 production. 4/5 voice talent id have preferred a deeper voice for the Derf. But still good and distinct voices. 5/5 story of course.

  2. Mike Morrow says:

    Purchased…. Waiting for April šŸ˜‰

    • Mac says:

      If you mean an April audiobook – they haven’t made me an offer. You may feel free to lobby them. I’d sell readily.

      • Mike M says:

        I will begin the lobbying campaign. There used to be a button on Amazon. Iā€™m guessing a written campaign to Tantor would be more effective than Audible.

  3. 1Stew says:

    Bought. Saving it for the upcoming vacation. Now i’m a calendar watcher!

  4. Michael Murray says:

    I’m happy to see the audio book, and I’d buy more, particularly the “April” series, even though I’ve read them all before. I’ve done it with several other series.

    • Mac says:

      I’d love to sell the whole April series to Tantor Media. If you want to put a bug in their ear that there is a market please feel free to do so.

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