“If we ever eat again after this,” Lee said. “The pastry tray has certainly grown since the last one I ordered.”
The server smiled.
“We have a new pastry chef and she’s showing off.”
He left happy they noticed.
“You …
“If we ever eat again after this,” Lee said. “The pastry tray has certainly grown since the last one I ordered.”
The server smiled.
“We have a new pastry chef and she’s showing off.”
He left happy they noticed.
“You …
This site is going to get a face-lift and hopefully better functionality. Working on it happening.I’ll add a newsletter also which will not always be on topic about my books. I’d like to share some experiences and observations.…
The two trucks nearest the exit doors appeared to be done as Alonso had been told. There were man carts and tool boxes pulled back by the walls away from them. A couple of workers were doing something but not …
Family Law is $2.49 in the US and Canada for Dec.…
“Mistress, we have another courier from a service with a card for you.”
The front desk man didn’t sound happy. The last courier she received ended up leaving on a gurney after making a mess on her best rug, leaving …
Sunday morning woke up to a swollen hand on arm that had surgery. Went to ER and I have a blood clot in my arm. So, I’m on blood thinners to dissolve it. …
Some of my reviews are over the top. I’m no genius. Some of the people I know are much smarter than me. I’m an old blue collar worker and mid-wit who likes to spin stories. I thank everyone for reading …
A couple of weeks ago Amazon had me correct some typos in “And What Goes Around”. After I uploaded the corrections I apparently failed to hit publish at the end of the third page. Thus several people told me the …
Yeah I know… But this popped into my head and I’ll embed it somewhere in the book when I come back to it.
“Would you like me to build you a garbage truck too?” Alfonso asked with a sneer.
“Don’t …
I’ll put it up tonight but it takes some time to propagate through their system. Here’s the cover.
Can’t get link to work. Sorry.