It end up being 134.5k words long or Word counts it as 267 pages. I was pretty cross-eyed at the end so I went shopping and out to dinner with my wife. I’m going to run a check for some …
Author Archive | Mac
Another small snippet
For April #10 = Been There, Done That
“Well you certainly look better,” Schober said.
“Much more than just look better,” Liggett assured him. “I had sausage and eggs with biscuits for breakfast a couple hours ago and feel …
April #10
Just shy of 98k words. Title will be: “Been There, Done That”.…
Please note, my books are on Unlimited.
I had an e-mail from a reader unaware my books could be borrowed instead of bought. I don’t use Unlimited myself, because I don’t have enough time to read that much instead of writing. I’m not familiar with the Amazon …
For Vision Impaired People –
I have some codes to download copies of my audiobooks. I’d like to reserve them for people who need an audiobook due to vision or other problems that make using a Kindle version difficult. If you need an audio copy …
April 10 – A tiny snippet
“Nathan, I heard you missed your lunch companion, Adam,” Head of Security for Mars Base, Liggett asked the warehouse man, Tolly.
“Well we weren’t buddies, but I spoke to him once or twice. He seemed like a nice fellow and …
Audiobook up
My first audiobook is available at Tantor or the Amazon sales page for “Family Law”.…
Not sure how far my contacts went – if it reached people here please ignore a mail that says DOCUMENTS.
My password is changed now.…
A new snippet of April 10 – raw and unedited.
It was a cloudy dark day in Brussels, darker for being late in the day and the auditor examining the expenses for the join Mars base was in a still darker mood. Things didn’t add up to make any sort …
A snippet of April #10 freshly mined from the word pit. Rough and unedited as always.
“North America’s only interest in New Las Vegas right now seems to be skimming off whatever easy cut of the winnings are theirs. They don’t withhold for non-citizens, so that’s dried up to almost nothing. There’s no government money coming …