Mackey Chandler

“Been There, Done That” was finished up this morning.

It end up being 134.5k words long or Word counts it as 267 pages. I was pretty cross-eyed at the end so I went shopping and out to dinner with my wife. I’m going to run a check for some common error like double spaces and things like he’s/he’d and its/it’s and send it out to readers. I’d be really happy if I can publish a few days before August.

26 responses to ““Been There, Done That” was finished up this morning.”

  1. Jennifer says:

    Yay!!!!!! Can’t wait!

  2. Cheryl says:

    Happy days ?

  3. John Leggett says:

    Please let us know when it is available for Pre-order on Amazon.

    • Mac says:

      Not going to do preorder. It’ll be published a couple days before Aug. if all goes well. You can be sure I’ll mention it here.

  4. Joyce says:

    Great! Can’t wait to read it!

  5. Pseudo says:

    Why no pre-order? Just can’t be arsed to set it up, or is there some principal behind that decision? Will be buying it either way, of course.

    • Terry Dean says:

      Per earlier discussions in this and other author sites, in order to pre-order a book, the work must be turned in to Amazon 10 days before the release date. This means a later release for a pre-order book. It is faster to the readers to not do pre-order, but just release when ready.

    • Mac says:

      I don’t want the stress of a deadline – when you depend on other people to read it for errors and make your covers the possibility of a late release is there. I don’t like to say I’ll do something and not deliver. I’m not trying to pack my sales with pre-orders. Half of my book income is from page reads anyway – you can’t pre-order that. Last series book I still managed to get a $1k bonus out of Amazon.

  6. merr says:

    Congrats for a job probably well done

  7. Silke says:

    Best news ever this month for me <3
    Thanks for the update & have a nice weekend!

  8. Melvyn says:

    Brilliant news. Looking forward to it.

  9. Aimee says:

    Cool !!! I love your books .

  10. Kevin says:

    Yeees, can’t wait. Proof readers please hurry. Would volunteer but dyslexic as you can see with my past post sorry. Can read a book in a few hours but can’t spell worth a darn 🙂 and grammar is worst. So here’s applause for editors and proof readers. It took me several minutes to fix a few line post (if fix which I doubt), but just have to show how much I love your books

    • Mac says:

      I don’t know much about dyslexia. I’m glad it doesn’t remove your pleasure of reading.

      • EthirNandor says:

        I have it too. Dyslexia is weird, but has different forms.
        For me it means that Iam bad at spelling, but I also don’t even SEE mistakes (even in my own language), I read right over them even if I concentrate.
        This is also an advantage: I know many people whose reading pleasure grinds to a halt with the slightest grammar or spelling mistake. Amazon reviews are full of those people that vote down a story just for lack of editing.
        I consider that a severe handicap: I am glad I can enjoy a story regardless, and would happily buy your book before editing 🙂

  11. matthew martin says:

    thanks looking ford the a good read

  12. Harry says:

    Woo hoo! I’ll be really happy too if it publishes just before August. Looking forward to it.

  13. D Gray says:

    Yay! Really looking forward to reading it!!!

  14. Katie F. says:

    Woot! Looking forward to reading another exciting story by you!

  15. James Crutchley says:

    can’t wait. Wish i could proofread. NO i can’t i suck at that sort of thing. Its more of i wish it could be done faster. But please take the time needed i’m just impatient. Thank you for continuing to write and put out excellent books.

  16. Ann says:

    Hey Mac,

    Whatever happened to Mel.
    He served Wiggins well, burnt his foot, was lifted with her to Home and then vanished without mention.
    What happened to him – still serves Wiggins, joined the security group, joined …., left for ….,

  17. Cheryl says:

    Finishing up April 9 in rereading series for 7th or 8th time. HOW will I wait til Sunday. This is such a good series.

    And yes Mac whatever did happen to Mel?

  18. Jason says:

    Didn’t he join the security group? Seemed like a natural fit. Actually could see their adventures being a good spinoff series of a differant flavor…

    • Mac says:

      Yes, I have quite a list of characters I have not brought back each book. And yes if I ever run out of ideas the spin offs alone could keep me busy until the sun grows dim. I mentioned Christian Mackay, Otis Duggan and the Wilson family, Matt, Iaan, and Jenifer in this book just thinking off-hand.

  19. Anon E. Mouse says:


    Chapter 5, 1193 – couple really s/b couple of really
    Chapter 10, 2670 – a bunch the loose s/b a bunch of the loose
    Chapter 17, 4517 – Ames s/b Ames’
    Chapter 25, 6493 – involve s/b involving

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