Mackey Chandler



“Long Voyage of the Little Fleet” is being professionally edited right now. I should have it and update my Kindle files in about a month. It will be paper next.
That only leaves “Down to Earth that hasn’t seen the …

Another snippet of April 6

There are so many clicks and buzzers and chimes in a spaceship it’s like having a nagging mother. Some, like a com call that isn’t flagged urgent may just be a polite *ding* that repeats every five minutes and then …

A short Family Law #3 snippet

“Commander Gordon,” Robert Frost, captain of the Sharp Claws appeared not just on the command audio feed but came up on the video feed to Gordon too. That indicated he had something more than routine to discuss.
“Captain Frost,” Gordon …

A snippet of April #6

April slouched deep down in the oversized Hardoy chair. She’d bought two in this larger size thinking they would be more comfortable for Gunny and other big men. It turned out she preferred them. The back went up high enough …

An exchange of character profiles

Sarah Hoyt and Amanda Green started this exchange of posts where you meet a character from their writing. More writers have been added each week. They introduce the writer briefly and then link to the writers blog where a few

A short snippet of Family Law #3

A long slow burn across their entry vector revealed nothing surprising behind the star during the off shift. The radar had time for them to get returns from two thirds of the system and they’d see most of the rest …

A number of authors, including yours truly, have gotten together to offer some of their work for $2.99 or less over the Labor Day Weekend. You’ll find everything from science fiction to fantasy, mystery to romantic suspense, historical fiction …

Group sale over the holiday weekend

A group of writer friends I often chat with in the evening invited me to join them in a group sale. We are all offering some of our work for $2.99 over the holiday weekend. Sept 1 is Labor Day …

On updates –

Apparently if you delete a book from your kindle device while your account is set to no updates it doesn’t restore the ability to update after you change it. Anything deleted while in that status is just – gone.
So …

New April cover


Other countries may take a bit to update. They should all be up by tomorrow.
If you have an original edition you should be able to delete it and force a new download from your online kindle list of books …

I’m busy painting but as soon as I can I will read through this copy and have it posted to Amazon. I know it had a lot of errors. I appreciate those who could enjoy the story without being too …

New start to Family Law 3

The previous was pretty horrible. I trashed it and started over. This works better – more stuff happening now and less info dump.

Chapter 1
Lee was strapped in watching the big plot screen above the physical view ports. There …

Comments from elsewhere –

So far am told this is too much to absorb and keep straight for somebody who hasn’t read the previous books.
Rereading it I think it is too dense. It’s easy for me to understand – because it is all …

Snippet of April #6 –

I may put one more after this. Un-copyedited. Changed the ending twice perfecting it…

The Fox and Hare was busy. It had been so busy of late that April felt obligated to inquire what evenings were less solidly booked. The …

A snippet from April #6

Annette used to like rice. It had been an occasion treat and change of pace in their diet when she was growing up in Armstrong, the North American moon base. When her family escaped Armstrong and established residence in Central …

Conspiracy Theory

Some of you will be happy to know I needed a break from April and after writing about four chapters on #6 I am spending a little time on “Conspiracy Theory”.
I have two other stand alone books well along. …

New book well received

The Long Voyage of the Little fleet is selling well and seems to be dragging all the others along with it. Thanks everybody.…

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