Mackey Chandler


Chapter 6


Jack dropped all his gear off at his apartment. There were no marks around the lock or anything disturbed inside. Mrs. Hanson sometimes napped in the day, so he didn’t bother her for his mail. The rental …

Jack had a few days to kill now, somehow. He didn’t think running straight home was a very good idea. Certainly not back down the same route he’d come. He didn’t have a tent anymore, but the truck wasn’t so …

I have some formatting issues here from Word. It’s readable though. Sorry.

The town of Potola was the last decent sized place to buy supplies before his camp ground. There was a little place called Beckwourth that wasn’t an official

A Short Story for you.

I’ll eventually publish another collection of shorts when I have enough, like “Common Ground and other Stories”. But for now…



Ball and Chain

Mackey Chandler

     “It’s this damn Slump,” Tim Kirkland grumped. “There’s no market for even Earth …

New Banner

Mr. Lutz posted this art to FaceBook and invited anyone to use it. Note I left his attribution and copyright in the corner. His space station seemed much more science-fictiony than my flower photography. I did stretch it a bit …

Chapter 2

The rental car clerk acted like he was a criminal for wanting a small pickup truck. He kept a two seat electric run-about for commuting to work and shopping. If the young woman was such a strict environmentalist, …

First chapter of a possible book

See if you can tell where this is going. Tell me what you think.


Chapter 1

The cab was in a queue of much nicer cars. There was a canopy from the door of his destination clear to the …

A Different Pespective is uploaded

It should be propagated in the system and searchable in 12 hours. It may take a bit to show up in my links at the right or on my author’s page.…

A Different Perspective

I finally have my proofed document and am too sick to go through it. I have a nasty intestinal infection that is likely from a bad salad, and am taking really strong antibiotics.…

Get a copy or tell a friend.…

I don’t post heavily, so some of you might like to subscribe rather than checking in periodically.  New book should be up this week.…

Neighbor’s house this morning –

Was trapped in our parking lot most of the morning. Sure makes you appreciate your stuff.


It has been re-edited recently. If you have a copy tell a friend please. Link on right.…

Editing still in progress, but here is the cover.


Sat. / Sun. / Mon. – April 13 thru 15 – tell your friends.  Any reviews are very much appreciated.…

I’m also cleaning up “Down to Earth”

It’s not as bad as “April”, though it still needs a lot of commas. I have found a few missing quote marks – but nothing like “April”. I changes a couple sentences that were not clear at all. I’m at …

I’m finding a lot of errors. I’m embarrassed how bad it is. will be another week at least before I can post it.

Finished finally. I hope you find this reads much easier.…

“Paper or Plastic?” is Free 4/1

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