“Does anybody want to chat with me?” Jed asked the assembled Tigers. He hoped some of the snarky flavor of the invitation was retained in translation. The Tiger had overnight to think on how to deal with him. Maybe they …
Archive | Ramblings
Odd thoughts and commentary.
Another possible story opening:
Jack’s butt was numb. He stretched and leaned, lifting each cheek without getting up. He felt his coffee cup. It was dead cold. Sixty-eight was too damn old to be putting in ten-hour days, but he was glad of the …
A Reluctant Sovereign is done – Next?
I should have a cover soon. I have one choice already. I probably will do a non-series book next. It’s getting harder to extend the April-Family Law series.
I have a couple books already started. I’ll post openings to see …
Short/raw snippet of FL7
“Are you part of the crew?” the young man sitting on the landing pad asked.
“That I am,” Gordon confessed. “Didn’t your boss give you our pix to let you identify us? Werner is usually more thorough than that.”
“I’d …
Family Law 7 – raw snippet
Lee woke up with Trish in front of her instead of behind. How she moved across without waking Lee was a mystery. Then she remembered she’d been up in the night for a couple of hours. Trish’s muzzle was buried …
I spent 3 days in the hospital. They’d have had me stay another if I wanted but I declined. Too tired and hurting to write a big thing. Later……
“April” audio book available
Since I’m deaf I’d really appreciate feedback on the quality of the AI voice. Sorry dead link is best I can do.
April on the cheap
From Amazon….
Congratulations! We selected the following title(s) for a Kindle Deal on Amazon.com. Amazon will handle the price updates during this period.
– April (April series Book 1) will be discounted to $2.49 in a Kindle Daily Deal which …
I’m working on the April series audio books
No hard timeline. We’re going through and editing things. They want to know for example how to read ISSII = International Space Station II. So you read it ISS2.…
Personal events for the author
March 8th I’m going to have a total shoulder replacement. I’ll have a first stage recovery of about six weeks where we need household help and I’ll be sleeping in a lift recliner. Showers and other normal activities will be …