Mackey Chandler

“Friends in the Stars” audio coming

Preorder available at:

I have a book cover

I’ll try to get this published tonight.

And live now at:

Updated book

I did a fairly extensive edit of “Down to Earth” today to bring it up to my current ability with spelling and grammar. I’m sure it’s not perfect. That’s unobtainium. You may have to ask for an update in your Amazon digital content list.

Last snippet of “Let Us Tell You Again”

The book should be published in a month.

“Radar return on significant reentry body number 14 today. Bolide or cometary fragment. Its trajectory indicated a natural source in solar orbit. The radar return is gone now as it broke up at altitude already.”

The controller touched the bracket on his screen to remove it after his voice note was logged. Nothing exciting happened for a long time. Four hours later into his shift, he got another radar return of a bigger snowball on its ionized plunge into the atmosphere.

“Diffuse return that visibly fragmented on radar. Body 17 for today. Object broke up low enough to expect possible reports of a flash, sonic boom, or seismographic reports.”

He thought about how closely it mimicked the previous object.

“A repetition of a significant object on the same impact zone is of a very low probability. Note to oncoming shifts. This sequence may constitute a probe of our defenses.”

There, that felt safe. At least they’d know he was awake. It was a relief when another didn’t happen before his shift ended.

The next operator read the station notes and sneered. The other operator was an alarmist in his opinion. He’d hit the panic button three times this year, worrying people needlessly. In his opinion, they needed to force the fellow to switch to decaf.

Object 19 for the day was right on the same impact path as the previous two. It wasn’t a snowball and it was big enough their radar painted a return off it just before it hit the atmosphere and left a trail that would reflect radar. The scope said it was twenty to thirty meters across. He hit the alarm without a second thought. Three down the same line was no accident of nature. Once he figured that out another part of the pattern occurred to him. The next one would be bigger.

* * *

Constable Howard stopped for lunch as soon as the restaurant opened at 4 am. Everyone else was having breakfast and he did the same, ordering a breakfast special for his lunch. It wasn’t dark when he went in and almost sunrise when he returned to his cruiser. It was a lovely eleven-degree day and clear for August. He was going to park observing a main road and intersection until called. He needed to conserve fuel because it was rationed even to the police. Churchill was still a quiet little town without much stirring coming up on 5 am and he’d just turned east when a flash over the horizon dazzled him. The flash faded briefly and then grew again covering a quarter of the horizon. It was further to the north than the natural sunrise.

“Dispatch, I’m uncertain what just happened unless somebody bombed the snot out of Quebec, but I think you should send out a local alert on the phone system to stay away from the bay. Something just came down to the east, man-made or natural I can’t tell you.”

“Yes, we are getting all kinds of alerts on the national systems. What kind of alert should I issue?” his dispatch asked.

“Do you have one on your list for a tsunami?” Howard asked.

“That’s amazing… I do.”

“I’d issue a tsunami alert, a boating hazard alert, and a dangerous weather alert. If folks can’t figure out something strange is happening from all that they are pretty dense.”

“I’m issuing those on your say-so,” the dispatcher said. “If I didn’t have all kinds of weird warnings off the national systems, I’d wake up your supervisor and ask him to make sure you haven’t been drinking.”

“Call the Tundra,” Howard invited her. “I just had breakfast there and they’ll tell you I was as sober as can be.”

“Did you feel that?” Dispatch asked him.

“Feel what? I’m in my cruiser. I didn’t feel anything,” Howard said.

“Like somebody stomped on the floor or dropped something, but I’m alone here for another couple of hours.”

Howard thought about that. He wasn’t stupid and he’d been in the military. He cracked both windows down.

“Don’t be surprised if you hear a boom,” he told his dispatcher. “I think you felt the
ground wave and we’ll have an atmospheric shock wave follow on.”

When it arrived, it wasn’t much of a bang, it was more like a muted roar.

“Was that it? I heard something,” Dispatch said.

“Yeah, I have my windows down. You’re all sealed up and it wasn’t that big a deal.”

“Should I leave the warnings up then?” she asked.

“Oh yeah. Any wave will be much slower. I have no idea if it will be three centimeters or three meters,” Howard said. “Better not to take any chances.”

“Fair Trade” is available on Audible books

I have six free copies to offer to the visually impaired who are often low income. If that describes you or a friend/family member it’s on the honor system. First come first served. Email me at and I’ll send a code and instructions.

For paying readers:

Another snippet from: “Let Us Tell You Again”

Mike Morse was in Kansas and driving late at night which he didn’t like. He was well away from any town in the middle of seemingly endless fields. Some were just showing early sprouts. Most of the farmhouses were empty. The owners having sold out to huge mega-farms and the new owners saw no urgency about tearing them down for the little extra acreage they’d get. Some were visibly well on their way to falling down. So, there was no traffic and nobody to note a strange vehicle passing by. The police didn’t patrol it unless called since almost nobody lived on these county roads now and fuel was too dear to drive around looking at cornfields during the day, much less at night.

Why didn’t they drop his package closer to his destination? Mike wondered irritably. Probably because the coasts were heavily guarded and any small object falling on Kansas corn fields would be assumed harmless. He figured that out for himself.

The GPS told Mike the next intersection was the place he was instructed to pick up his load. He stopped at his yield sign and inspected the road signs. They matched but there was no package visible. He was ten minutes early and a stopped vehicle was more suspicious than a moving one, so he did a sweeping U-turn in the intersection and drove three kilometers back the way he’d come. Reversing in a field access carefully he approached the intersection again and pulled over where the shoulder was wider in front of the yield sign.

He had a powerful spotlight if he needed to hunt for it. If it landed out in the fields it would be a difficult hunt and trespassing. It was still thirty seconds early but he took his light and walked into the crossroads. Nothing showed in the beam either way.

A noise made him turn around. There was a half-meter long black box in the center of the intersection with a gossamer black parachute still collapsing to one side. As he watched the box tipped on its side and a cylinder rolled out. Immediately a mechanism reeled the parachute in and a clear plastic balloon started inflating. It soon lifted the box, still expanding. The wind was slight but it carried the delivery vehicle away over one of the fields.

Mike tracked it with his spotlight until suddenly the box part hanging vanished in an orange flash. The balloon above, unencumbered, rose faster but it also vanished with a blue flame. There was a report from the orange detonation but the balloon was a silent flash.

He walked over and tapped the cylinder tentatively but it wasn’t hot. It was exactly in the middle of both roads. Mike looked at the stars overhead and shouted, “Show off!” before he took the cylinder and headed west to find a cheap motel.

A snippet from: Let Us Tell You Again

About half way or a little more in April 13.

“The French announce they will take bids for rights to develop facilities on Proxima B,” Secretary of State Brenton read aloud.

“Why set up on the planet there?” his one undersecretary asked. “That makes you expend more energy than building a space station. Unless they find something to mine worth lifting from the planet. I understand it’s a hot rocky desert on one side and like Antarctica on the other.”

“Yes, but it’s a huge free shield against the solar flares. Proxima is a noisy star spewing out big bursts of radiation and particles,” Brenton said. “A space station would be a deathtrap or need ridiculous shielding.” He’d done his homework.

“That’s not a bad business model then,” the undersecretary decided.

“Tell it to Commerce,” Brenton said. “We’re concerned with the political aspects.”

* * *

“Hello, Diana. I’m sorry if I got a bit intense rushing you off,” Naito said. He looked stressed and worried which Diana hated to see.

“I took it for care,” Diana allowed. “Are you thinking of following me?”

“No, in fact, I feel more secure than when I urged you to leave. I’ve news your friends will probably be happy to know ahead of the news reports. Prime Minister Tanaka intends to step down citing serious errors and loss of confidence from his closest advisors.”

“So, he was the architect of this debacle?” Diana asked.

“He is owning it. If anyone agreed with his actions, he isn’t dragging them down with him. Has Jeff spoken with you about our conversation and his actions?”

“No, I saw April, but now I’m at Sylvia’s and didn’t even have to kick him out of my place. I did go get some of my things but he wasn’t there.”

“Tell Singh I asked him to relate them to you if he will. I’d rather not tell the whole thing with no better encryption than public coms offers. It’s a fair trade for the news about Tanaka. I was almost ready to follow you up when he revealed he was going to resign. I don’t know if he told me ahead of others in the government but he at least trusted me not to break the story to the newsies.”

“The public is pretty stupid but they aren’t going to believe he didn’t have some help from others,” Diana said.

“The uh… Crap, I don’t want to say too much. Ask Jeff what happened to the lab here.”

“OK. Is there anybody among your revolutionary buddies you want to be PM?”

“That’s a problem I’m working on right now. Tanaka promised to stay away from any association with me and urged me to be careful who I supported. I’m just not sure how to do that exactly,” Naito admitted. “I know them all too well.”

“Be careful they don’t try to foist it off on you,” Diana warned. “People, including other governments, may not be satisfied with Tanaka as a sacrifice. I predict the next Prime Minister will be on shaky grounds. The politically astute may wish for others to take the office in case more heads need to roll and curb their ambitions for a little.”

“I’ve already told anyone who will listen that I’m too young and inexperienced,” Naito said. “Don’t worry. I won’t let anybody bully me into it.”

“Good. Just remember, if the politicking doesn’t work out you always have a place with me as my pool boy.”

“But you don’t have a pool,” Naito said.

“Honey, for you I’ll put one in.”

When he disconnected, Naito was smiling. Diana felt good about that.

For the fun of it:

A tongue in cheek cookbook. Very minimalist.

Site being managed again.

I can now get comment emails forwarded. Also note that the book links to the right have been updated.

Site will be repaired or replaced.

The very kind lady who started maintaining this site for me is older (like me) and at that point in life she has more on her plate to deal with than taking care of my site. She was doing it basically as a favor. But some things like the e-mail redirect for comments don’t work. and I also lost my Ameritech address as unusable. AT&T has had our accounts screwed up for a long time. It got to the point my wife was needing to call every two weeks to get them to reset my password because this big TECH company only offers voice support and I am deaf.
I asked for my domain name back and am now negotiating with a capable young man to either repair this site or create a new one. It’s not going to just disappear. – Mac’

On readers and reviews

I have 312 reviews this morning on my latest book. They are entertaining if you don’t take them too seriously.
Let me tell a story about weighing other’s input too seriously.
When I was in high school I worked as a bus boy at a sort of a half restaurant / night club. The place had a lady playing requests on an organ at the center on a raised stage and she would sing on occasion.
They served some high end items but normal family dinner type things too.
The owner was cost conscious – which is good in a manager – but she had no FILTERS.
A 90 pound little old lady would say – Oh, honey your chicken dinner is wonderful but I can’t eat that much! She would immediately run into the kitchen and tell them to cut back the portions. Then a 300 pound truck driver would complain the chicken dinner left him hungry. Back to the kitchen she’d go…
One of my reviews today said the story went too slow like “drip coffee’.
The very next review said I flew through it too fast and it should have been three books.
You can’t make everybody happy and you will drive yourself and everybody around you crazy trying.
If you liked it well enough to finish it and not demand a refund I thank all of you. – Mac’

Fair Trade published.

I may make a few small edits but the last three beta readers have been repeats. Enjoy….

Minor typos and errors updated just now 9/26 evening. They take time to post.

Invasion story out to beta readers

I’m getting useful feedback. The title will be Fair Trade. Here’s the cover.

A little snippet / mostly done / I’m fine.

In reverse order: Some folks got worried since I don’t communicate frequently. I understand. I’m 74 and the COVID virus is particularly hard on old people. I’m also fat but I have none of the co-morbidities associated with that. My blood sugar is normal and blood pressure under good control. Our county was hard hit as all of them were neighboring Detroit. Now however while the chart for Oakland county shows a Delta surge the graph of deaths is flat and declining. Being an antisocial curmudgeon is beneficial for exposure. So many are upset they can’t jam in sporting events or airliners – while they’d have to pay me to do so.

The invasion book is at 200k words + and mostly done. It’s been fun and I’ll go back and finish the next April book next. It may be the last or next to last bridging to the Family Law books. I’ll probably take some time to create more paper editions after that. I can do it now but it was a huge deal to learn how to satisfy Amazon’s demands – especially on covers.

Here’s a little snippet.

“What is it? I’m in conference with the scholar,” Three Fingers said irritated.

“Your pardon, sir. This is the scholar’s assistant. We are still on limited emissions and he neglected to plug in his communicator. We have news we thought he should have that he’d want to tell you.”

“Well, out with it then man,” Three Fingers encouraged.

“The sensor module you had parked on the backside of the big moon has detected emissions. It isn’t anything from out-system. The natives have several devices returning video and data from the next planet in the system.”

“Next in or out?” Three Fingers demanded. “I thought there was no other radio noise?”

“Out. It is smaller, red in appearance, has very little atmosphere, and with no active magnetic field. A very inhospitable chill desert planet. The video it shows is being sent from vehicles but there is no speech being transmitted or any indication it is manned. In each case, it seems to be showing the area around a wheeled vehicle, and the tracks it made to get there are sometimes visible. They seem to be robotic devices,” the underling speculated. “We missed them at first because the power level being used is very low for planetary distances. What the interest could be in such a desolate rock is beyond me.”

“Thank you, Beelus. We’ll tap the feed if we want to see more,” the scholar said, dismissing him.

The man didn’t immediately leave.

“There is news about the other devices recovered if you want to hear it.”

“Certainly, go ahead,” Three Fingers invited.

“The large flat device that was attached to the computer turns out to be a very specialized antenna. We know how to make them but they are only used for long range radar installations at a fixed ground site. Those are purpose-built, but the technicians insist this has all the hallmarks of a mass-produced consumer product like a music player. It has several very high-density semiconductor devices we don’t understand, and contains tiny servo motors to aim it.”

“To aim it at what?” Three Fingers asked pointedly.

“It was in an open area pointed at the sky. There is very little air traffic in that remote area of their planet for it to connect to aircraft. The only theory advanced by one person was that it tracks and communicates with satellites, but nobody else agrees. They are all holding out for an alternative explanation. Oh, and the skinny pliers? They were shown to the head of maintenance without telling him their source. He tried them out bending some wire and removing some lock clips and declared them of very good quality. So good we had a hard time getting him to release them back to us.”

“Very close to our level of technology,” Three Fingers told his scholar.

“Yes, that is becoming disturbingly evident. I’ll have more to report soon, I’m sure.”

Another small invasion snippet

“Frankel, Loewry, and Goldberg. How may I help you?” The young woman’s voice was steady but her eyes reflected shock at seeing a dog faced alien against a strange background.

“Hello. My name is Blue, the same as your color. Be aware when you reply the response will be what you humans call laggy. We are out by your moon and it takes a few seconds for the signal to make the round trip. I am second in charge of this vessel and wish to speak to a senior partner of your firm about representing the crew of our ship to land and be granted favorable immigration status in the United States of America.” He had that written out and read it carefully.

“Mr. Loewry is on call right now,” the receptionist said. “I will request he speak with you.”

“Mr. L, I have a new client call on line 3,” Cheryl said. “I think you should replay my video before answering the, uh, gentleman.”

Cheryl watched Loewry replay the call and his face turned red as he got angry.

“Cheryl, we pay you to screen calls precisely because we don’t wish to speak to every nut case and fraudster who can look up our contact info. Those supposed aliens were in the news about a month ago. If they were real, they’d be holding news conferences on the Whitehouse lawn by now. They thoroughly discredited the crank astronomer who started this. For crying out loud, they are selling rubber masks of the ‘aliens’ already. The kids will be wearing them for Halloween. The stories all over the internet have them landing in Idaho to steal potatoes, taking people for joy rides and other utter foolishness. Just hang up on him. Don’t waste another word. And don’t bother me with other aliens of any flavor,” Loewry instructed her.

Blue couldn’t hear Loewry’s response. Cheryl simply looked distressed and the screen went blank.

“Communications failed?” Blue asked.

“Nahhh, she hung up on you,” Jed said. “Her boss probably made her.”

“Hung up is terminated?” Blue asked.

“Yeah, that’s an old expression from when the handset for a voice only phone actually terminated the call by being replaced on the instrument.”

“What shall I do?” Blue wondered.

“Life is too short to try to fix stupid,” Jed advised him. “There’s too much of it in the world. That’s why I gave you four firms to call. I thought one or more might turn the work down.”

“What is the word for that particular kind of bad behavior? Blue asked. “She did not treat me correctly. Am I wrong?”

“No, she was what we call rude. Don’t hold it against her. I’m sure she wouldn’t have done that on her own authority. Her boss undoubtedly ordered it.”

Micro-snippet of alien ‘invasion’ story in progress.

“Did you get some response?” The NASA director asked his Space Force peer.

“Yes, we passed by fairly close, a hundred and fifty kilometers away. We wanted to make sure it was obvious it wasn’t a direct line approach like a weapon strike. We had time to repeat a long string of math at them several times. The package our people put together started with prime numbers as a universal common point and got progressively more complex. The hope was after establishing that as a common ground, we could in the future build language from the operations such as addition and subtraction leading to plus and minus, more and less, greater than and less than.”

“Did they respond with strings of numbers that showed they understood?” Durkin asked.

“Not exactly,” Gott said. “Here, I’ll let you listen to their brief response.”

The voice was odd but perfectly understandable English.

“Yes, yes, we count too. Please be patient. Your call is important to us.”

“They put us on hold?”

“Hey,” Durkin said, trying to put a positive spin on it, “at least we didn’t have to work down a message tree to get that.”

April – hardcover

I just published the first hardcover version of one of my books. April was just able to squeak under the 550 page limit Amazon set on their new in-house publishing service. It was a challenge getting the cover accepted as it needs wrap to go around the boards. It’s a case bound book with no dust jacket – the cover design is right on the wrap. I went matte finish as I always thought glossy looked cheap. I hope this helps those who have a hard time reading off a monitor. My others will follow as I am able.

What’s happening…

Work continues on April 13, and a stand alone ‘Invasion’ book. I have not started on Family Law 7 but have some ideas. I’m itching to describe Central’s explorations and planets.
I tried having third parties format my books for paper at great expense and little satisfaction. I’ve now learned enough that I reformatted “April” with the latest file that has many fewer errors and typos. I did not list it as a second edition because the story line is unchanged. I sold very few paper copies so it isn’t a money maker. It’s more a service for collectors and those who have trouble reading off a screen. I also increased the price a couple of dollars to $18.99 because it was a LOT of work and the product is better and worth more now. I was only making about $2 off a print “April” and am still making about the same as a kindle sales now.
About readability… I’m experimenting with producing a LARGE PRINT edition of April. It’s such a large book that in a 6″ x 9″ book it would go over 1,000 pages. That’s not exactly the sort of book you can hold in your lap and read comfortably. I may go big – 8.5 x 11 or even split it into two books and sell them as a set.
Now that I have the (mostly mental) tools to publish paper I expect to have paperbacks of all my books. I also expect to have hardback books, but not the fabric covered publishing house versions with dust jackets. They will be the hard cover with the cover design printed directly on the end boards.
I don’t intend to stop writing to do the formatting. I will switch back and forth to make the work load easier. The same way as I work on two or more books so I can get a mental break by switching.
I also have a wife and a life I am not willing to ignore. My wife is taking Fridays off all summer and yesterday we used the first of these to take a long ride out i the country. We saw sandhill cranes, wild turkey, and a black bear. I’ll be 74 next month and intend to do this as long as I can.

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