April consulted with Michael Brightbill again. “Are all six trumpeters available to pull our prank or do I have to find somebody to fill in?”
“All of them thought it was a wonderful idea. They were all paid to pose …
Odd thoughts and commentary.
April consulted with Michael Brightbill again. “Are all six trumpeters available to pull our prank or do I have to find somebody to fill in?”
“All of them thought it was a wonderful idea. They were all paid to pose …
“Did you know all this about Home?” Vic asked.
“Very little of it,” Eileen admitted. “Mostly, I knew that it and the Moon colonies are the only places that have no regulation of life extension therapies.”
“And yet we have …
“I think we have a good enough team assembled to return to the second living world we discovered,” Deloris told Heather.
Heather’s brother Barak was with her but stood back silently supportive. The explorers were all equal except for the …
Preorder available at: https://www.audible.com/pd/Friends-in-the-Stars-Audiobook/B0BDC9QP8C?qid=1662635905&sr=1-1&ref=a_search_c3_lProduct_1_1&pf_rd_p=83218cca-c308-412f-bfcf-90198b687a2f&pf_rd_r=GXY33BMMAY1RS828XWMP…
I’ll try to get this published tonight.
And live now at: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BD672FBB…
I did a fairly extensive edit of “Down to Earth” today to bring it up to my current ability with spelling and grammar. I’m sure it’s not perfect. That’s unobtainium. You may have to ask for an update in your …
The book should be published in a month.
“Radar return on significant reentry body number 14 today. Bolide or cometary fragment. Its trajectory indicated a natural source in solar orbit. The radar return is gone now as it broke up …
I have six free copies to offer to the visually impaired who are often low income. If that describes you or a friend/family member it’s on the honor system. First come first served. Email me at gordonderf@gmail.com and I’ll send …
Mike Morse was in Kansas and driving late at night which he didn’t like. He was well away from any town in the middle of seemingly endless fields. Some were just showing early sprouts. Most of the farmhouses were empty. …