Mackey Chandler

Conspiracy Theory

Some of you will be happy to know I needed a break from April and after writing about four chapters on #6 I am spending a little time on “Conspiracy Theory”.
I have two other stand alone books well along. Tentatively titled “Outcast” and “HooDoo”. HooDoo is a little different because after having a couple young female main characters it has a black male main. I can hear the howls of protest already since a few people informed me I can’t possible know what it means to be inside a young girl’s head. Some view any narrative with a black character as somehow proprietary because I couldn’t know the black ‘experience’.
My take on it is there are a common set of brain chemicals and I suspect there may be as much variation inside any of these groups as between them. We are what we experience in our head much more than superficial exteriors.

One response to “Conspiracy Theory”

  1. Jerry Boyd says:


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