Mackey Chandler

“A Depth of Understanding”

Sent to Beta readers. When I post it for sale I’ll announce it here and start it at a reduced price. Now back to writing “The Long Voyage of the Little Fleet”.

3 responses to ““A Depth of Understanding””

  1. Duggan Matson says:

    Don’t mean to rush, but I was wondering if you expect to release before or after new years? or is it a much longer process than that? Have enjoyed all of your books that I have read so far so I know they are worth the wait!

    • Mac says:

      Right around new years. The document is being edited right now. I have to make a cover and write blurbs. I’m working on the sequel to “Family Law” right now – at about 61k words. When I get mentally overloaded I got to the story about the mold designer or one I don’t think I have posted any snippets. That one is about a college professor.

  2. Gary Roulston says:

    Beta reader here and a big fan, this book is Mackey’s best yet and he was good to start with. I just finished rereading it for the forth time and am crazy wanting him to start book six. Mackey I got an idea from this reread and sent you an email about it. Let me know your initial reaction!

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