Other countries may take a bit to update. They should all be up by tomorrow.
If you have an original edition you should be able to delete it and force a new download from your online kindle list of books purchased.
“Down to Earth” will be edited next.
This is the same manuscript that will be released in paper editions.
When are we going to read the new April !!!
Should be up all markets now.
I meant April 6
Do you plan on making April available anywhere else besides Amazon?
I’ve signed a publishing contract for outside Amazon. I expect to have paper editions of April within the month. Where is going to be up to the publisher – but I’ll report on it for sure. I expect Family Law in paper next if not at the same time. Eventually all of them. Maybe audio even.
Editing for books. Sight, site, cite. Lead, led, lead; swim, swam, swum. Is it better to use “then” than “then” and when? Or is it better “than” then, ah, “then” than….
Is it latter or later? Bad, badder, baddest or is it bad, worse, worst? Don’t get me started on when it’s more better to use morale than (then?) moral. Is it or it’s; there, they’re, or their? When do (due) you use all right or alright, all ready or already?
Where’s the grammarian when (whan?) you would have had a need (kneed, kneeded) one?
If you are saying all those errors are in my books, or just April, you’ll have to be specific. I’ve had a few professionally edited. A few are untouched. I doubt you found all three homophones of sight, site, cite as a single error. So which and where? Some of the things you mentioned I am aware of as potential errors. Some I used to commit as errors but have improved as I’ve made progress. If you can’t be specific about which book has which error then this is simply complaining to no purpose. I can take correction but it should be to some purpose. Even books from major publishers have some errors. If it destroyed any enjoyment for you I’ll simply invite you not to buy any more. Because the next book I post to sell WILL have several errors in it. Expect it.
Sorry. No, I did not find but just a few errors in the three books I read. You or your editing service are quite good; as well as are your books, which are excellent reads. Please ignore my obtuse earlier comments. They were more obfuscating than enlightening.
If you’ve discovered errors in any of your earlier books, . I’m sure you’ve already corrected them. A new reader, even if the plot,characters et al. are superlative, errors, whether homophones or just repetitive grammatical errors can destroy the enjoyment of a good or even excellent book. I used to make notes in my Kindle of such, but gave up when I realised it was most probably futile.
Again, my apologies, I did not intend a slur against your work or April’s.