Mackey Chandler

Going to unpublish collections of shorts

I have two collections of shorts – “Common Ground and other stories” and “Going Up and other stories”. They have never sold well or attracted a lot of page reads.
In fact I made twice as much this last month from two short stories I published as stand alone shorts.
I’m going to unpublish the collections and re-publish 8 of the shorts individually as soon as I get my first cover for one from Sarah.
If you want any of the collections be aware there is a narrow window to buy them. I’m not going to put any one or two page shorts up for sale. I can’t ask $1 for a page or two with a straight face.
I may post them here as freebies however.

31 responses to “Going to unpublish collections of shorts”

  1. Ann says:

    Przybylski’s Star

    Could be an interesting star to examine close up.

    Its an AP star p = peculiar and there is a suggestion that heavy elements from the ‘island of stability’ could exist (or data has been misread).

  2. chuckc says:

    I recommend them. You should buy and enjoy them.

  3. Edward J Gowen jr. says:

    I really enjoyed “Been There, Done That”. I hope you’ll continue both the April and Family Law series.

    Thanks & Best Wishes!
    Ed Gowen

    • Mac says:

      I’ve started writing Family Law 5. I’m 71 – but I hope I have a few more books in me.

      • Brian Breshears says:

        Favorite authors – best reason ever for Life Extension Therapy! Just finished Been There, Done That and it did not disappoint! I had been wondering how April 10 would work given what we’ve seen in Family Law and was pleasantly surprised! Nicely done as always.

  4. Sheryl McMullen says:

    Love your April and Family Law series. They’re on my “read once a year” books list .

  5. Silke says:

    As Sheryl McMullen said – though actually, your April & Family Law series are in my top3-series I always enjoy reading in between again.
    That again started a discussion with friends with a how-often-do-you-reread-books-discussion… At least checking on your website tells me, I’m not the only weirdo reading favourites again and again ^-^

    • DougMac says:

      I reread almost every book I have. Extremely happy to read anything Mackey wants to write. Hoping he has a long fruitful life, as I am adicted to the April/family books and wouldn’t mind see a sequel to neither here nor there. If I could make a request it would be simply write really quick. I need another book as been there has already been inhaled twice. 🙂

    • Kevin says:

      If you don’t mind what’s you third I’m always looking for something new.

  6. Katie F says:

    Wishing you a long life with lots of stories left in it 🙂
    They are great to read!
    I’m not sure if it worked… but I did try and get you 2 lots of funds this time – I read on KU then bought lol.

  7. Ann says:

    Family Law space

    Lee mentioned in book 1 that about 1/5 of local stars hadn’t been investigated .

    In later books there was mention of nova induced enrichment of stellar matter.

    Well, heavier elements are made during stellar fusion and during stars going nova but could heavier elements also be made from variable stars throwing stellar flares and CMEs repeatedly striking a close-in planet.
    Or in a system with repetitive nova.

    Could some heavy elements be pushed into the ‘island of stability’.

  8. Michael Murray says:

    So far I’ve bought everything you have published, including the collections and short story. I just purchased Been There, Done That, and I’m always happy to see the next one.

  9. Kevin says:

    How is your stand only doing any ETA, if I remember that’s your next book. Any plot or title you can give. Also glad to hear FL5 is started, but ill take my Mackey fix any way I can ?.

  10. Silke says:

    After Mackey Chandler my 2nd favorite author is M.K. Eidem (I also love the audio books-versions, since they use at least 2-3 different narrators for male/female/children).
    My 3rd is Shelly Laurenston (or G. A. Aiken) – her books (or more her main and side characters) just make me laugh every time. They are available as audio books, too.

    Good ones are also the Emily Kane Adventures by Jacues Antoine, the Regan’s Reach books by Mark G Brewer, the Alicia Jones Novels by D. L. Harrison and The New Frontiers Series by Jack L. Knapp.

    • Mac says:

      I miss being able to hear. That would be neat to have a mix of voices in an audio book. Like listening to a radio play.

    • JNC says:

      Thanks for the Mark G Brewer suggestion. I think I’ll start this series while waiting desperately for Mac’s next book.

  11. Mike M says:

    Any possibility that a Cochlear Implant could help to mitigate the hearing loss issue?

    • Mac says:

      I’ve grown so accustomed to it I’m not willing to go to that level of invasive surgery to get something less than natural hearing in quality.

  12. Kevin says:

    Any updates you can gives us. How far along, which books….thanks

  13. Buz O. says:

    Hey Mackey,

    Been a couple of months since BTDT came out. You having any more luck with FL5?

  14. Shirley Phillips says:

    I have been re-enjoying your Family Law, book series, and found book four! Thank you! Looking forward to book five. I was at a bookstore yesterday, trying to find a book to read that was new in science fiction, as a paper copy. Everything was old and republished, Ender books by Scott Card, and HG Wells,and only a few others. I have more in my “to read pile” of old ones I haven’t gotten to yet, in paper than they had in the store! I still looked for yours there and talked you up to a few nerds in the aisle. I realize that self publishing is the new thing, and I like how fast books come out, but I didn’t realize that most are going that way. All the best new ones I have read, are nowhere near a store! Waiting to read your next, thank you for all you do. Time to read “Paper or Plastic” again!

    • Mac says:

      Thank you. I’ve tried to farm out formatting paper without success. It isn’t worth a great deal of effort and expense because most authors I know say they only sell about 4% in paper. I may yet do it. I haven’t been in a book store in awhile myself. I have bad knees and my local B&N took most of the chairs and stools out. I feel like the message is – buy something and get out. Paper or Plastic? is kind of rough. I need to go back and clean it up, but don’t want to take the time from new stuff.

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