Mackey Chandler

I have a book cover

I’ll try to get this published tonight.

And live now at:

28 responses to “I have a book cover”

  1. MRE says:

    Hell yeah!

    Thanks so much, just checked your site on a whim and hit it right on the nose! Gonna be a fun couple of evenings!

  2. Jim says:

    YES! Thank you for the escape!

  3. Benny says:

    Always happy to get another of your books. I look forward to reading it several times a year. I go through the series at least twice a year, whenever my memory of the events fades out. Thank you for the enjoyment.

  4. Zebulon Dakota says:

    Yay! I’m currently re-re-re-reading the April series and am to the end of #8. Always a pleasure to read your works! šŸ™‚

  5. Rick says:

    As Benny above has mentioned I also retread your April and Family Law series several times per year. I find your some of the most engaging characters I have read about in my 60 years of reading. I am so looking forward to the latest novel very much! Thank you for that.

  6. Jerry says:

    Alice should have gotten an offer on her parent’s house. Is it sitting somewhere because Tommy doesn’t know it is hers?

  7. Rune says:

    thanks, although i have trouble with amazon saying my order is pending, never had that problem before, cant wait to read it šŸ˜€

  8. Thorsten says:

    Great book. You delivered exactly what your fans have come to expect. Just finished reading it. Now I’m contemplating when it’s time to start another read-through of the whole April and Family Law series.

    I just went and tried to post a review for you on Amazon. Unfortunately, that only got me a kick in the privates, saying I’m not eligible to post any reviews as I haven’t spend $50 on amazon in the last year… We’ll, that’s because I’m only reading using Kindle Unlimited and have paid that ahead for a few years already at times when I could do that with a big discount…

  9. Michael says:

    Woot Just saw it and now reading!!

  10. Michael says:

    Dakota: Minister of Popular Culture! When the next Family Law book comes out this needs to be worked in!

  11. Aghast says:

    Wow! I did not see that coming! +1

    Way to really shake things up right on the last few pages, you rat bastard.

    I sure hope you’re typing like hell on the next book.

  12. Dorcas Gray says:

    Another great book! Thank you so much for your stories – they brighten up my life!

  13. Monica says:

    Iā€™m so excited! I just finished a reread of Family Law and was going back to the beginning with April, when I saw the new book. I usually read via Kindle Unlimited, but decided to also purchase all your books to keep them for always!

  14. Zebulon Dakota says:

    I finished it and must have missed something. You killed Schober off in April 12 (suit decompression failure) but here he is resurrected. It must have been a miracle. What did I miss??

  15. Paul Raulerson says:

    That is the best cover in the series. šŸ™‚

  16. Whiskeymike says:

    Sarah Hoyt has improved! Really good looking cover. Just finished a re-read of April series (fifth or sixth time maybe). Glad to hear you are well. Looking forward to more books.

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