Mackey Chandler

Newly edited copy of April in my possession –

I’m busy painting but as soon as I can I will read through this copy and have it posted to Amazon. I know it had a lot of errors. I appreciate those who could enjoy the story without being too horrified at the mistakes and typos.
The rest will be done one by one also.

3 responses to “Newly edited copy of April in my possession –”

  1. Melvyn Barker says:

    Have you any idea when the next instalment and Family Law 3 might be available. (As you can see I’m anxious to give you some money 🙂 ).

    • Mac says:

      As much as I’d just love to have you send me money it will be late this year / early next year for either. I’m going back and forth between them as the ideas flow. They will need a pro edit before posting too. That is going to be a part of the process now. I also do a little on “Conspiracy Theory” when the Muse hits.

  2. Melvyn Barker says:

    Thanks Mac. I suppose I’ll have to try to be patient and ration my re-reads.

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