Mackey Chandler

Latest Book Release

A Reluctant Sovereign

When North America attacked the space habitats beyond the Moon they had no plan B if they failed. The Earth Claims Commission was already suffering a credibility crisis and North America's disastrous failure and defeat left them with no muscle. Far flung worlds and stations were abandoned with no banking, no supply, and no news. The explorers who were owed royalties were cut off too. Lee and her father Gordon weren't about to sit still for that. If you can repossess a ground car, why not a planet? Lee had standing to be sovereign of Providence but wasn't all that fond of planets. She didn't want to be bogged down with the day to day drudgery of sovereignty like her friend Heather on the Moon. Was there any reason she couldn't have her cake and eat it too? None that she could see.

About the Book

Unedited snippet of “I Never Applied for This Job”

Son of One Eye finished a circle of their settlement, leaned on his spear, and contemplated sitting down for a moment. Experience informed him that if he did, he’d go to sleep sitting up. If the sun didn’t waken him …

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About Mac

Mackey (Mac’) Chandler is retired to Rochester, Michigan from a working life that spanned a large number of occupations. Mold maker, aerospace machinist, plumber, mechanic and dozen more as well as owning several businesses.

A life long time reader of Science Fiction, the authors at Baen’s Bar and their evening chat room motivated him to try his own hand at writing. His first effort was a short story titled “Common Ground” which sold to the short-lived Jim Baen’s Universe.

“Paper or Plastic” was his first Kindle book. Two series have been added starting with “April” and the second series starting with “Family Law”. The series have merged and continue to grow together with fourteen books total.

Other stand alone books and shorts bring current publications to twenty-three.

His personal favorite book is “The Mote in God’s Eye” by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle. Other favorite authors include Lee & Miller, and C.J.Cherryh.