Chapter 2
The Hinth proved a challenge to recruit. They didn’t do well alone. Ha-bob-bob-brie, who Lee had met on Derf home station, isolated himself after a catastrophe had wiped out his shipmates and family in an exploration gone …
The Hinth proved a challenge to recruit. They didn’t do well alone. Ha-bob-bob-brie, who Lee had met on Derf home station, isolated himself after a catastrophe had wiped out his shipmates and family in an exploration gone …
Their shuttle was a Mitsubishi, and April was surprised to see it looked old. She was accustomed to most things around her looking new, until she expected it without a second thought. Something like a landing …
Mackey Chandler
A “Family Law” Novel
It wasn’t like Fargone to be bureaucratic. They prided themselves on independence so it seemed unlikely the United States of North America or any other Earth …
“I’m thinking on what Lin told us yesterday,” April told Heather. “We’re getting none of that picture about what life is like on Earth from the news agencies. How do we know what’s happening on the street …
Is still alive, and home from the hospital late Sunday. There is blood in the toilet this morning so I have no idea how long I’ll stay home. I’d really really like to finish the next April book before I …
Thanks to one of my readers – Tobiko is not a flying fish in Japanese. It is the roe of the fish which is great for sushi. Tobiuo is the fish. I’ll change my books to reflect this next edit.…
The sun baked all the way through, to the warm deck beneath her. April felt she might melt, and slide off the arch of the bow into the sea at any moment, like a pat of butter …
I’ve got 23k words of a new April book started. A floating chapter I’ll have to plug in somewhere. And no solid ideas for a title yet. I have not intended to start another April book, but I keep getting …
Jack dropped all his gear off at his apartment. There were no marks around the lock or anything disturbed inside. Mrs. Hanson sometimes napped in the day, so he didn’t bother her for his mail. The rental …
Jack had a few days to kill now, somehow. He didn’t think running straight home was a very good idea. Certainly not back down the same route he’d come. He didn’t have a tent anymore, but the truck wasn’t so …