Mackey Chandler

Site changes and comments –

A couple people noted they could no longer make comments since the site was modified to make it look better for mobile users.
The lady who maintains the site just did a fix. I just looked (for the first time) at it on my phone and got a comment box.
If anybody is still having trouble let us know.
I personally need the big monitor! I’d go nuts trying to read it on my phone.


5 responses to “Site changes and comments –”

  1. JimH says:


    That fixed it for me, hopefully for all. Thanks!


  2. Cheryl says:

    Yes, I was one of the complainers. Now I can comment again.

  3. Melvyn says:

    Thank you. That fixed it.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Yeah. I noticed the absence of the comment option, but I thought you simply did not want the comments and turned the feature off for specific blog entries.

    Monitor wise. You can get second/third tier South Korean 40″ 4k monitor off ebay for under 600 USD:

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