Mackey Chandler

Snippet F.L. 8

Yeah I know… But this popped into my head and I’ll embed it somewhere in the book when I come back to it.

“Would you like me to build you a garbage truck too?” Alfonso asked with a sneer.

“Don’t go all elitist on me,” Lee said. “You won’t crack smart on garbage trucks if nobody picks up your trash for a couple of months and you need to use your precious time to dispose of it. I’m sure you heard perfectly well that I asked you to design a truck not build one. I know you like building fancy toys that show off your skills. I don’t know anybody else I can trust to do this competently, much less artistically. I know you’ll make it pretty as well as functional because you can’t help yourself. That’s fine but it’s important it be trustworthy and safe for my people. I’m prepared to reward you handsomely to do this for me.”

“I’ve learned to control my acquisitive nature,” Alfonso said. “People who are never satisfied are never happy. You did manage to tempt me by letting me build myself a copy of your new aircar. I had no prospects of ever affording such a luxury from building sports planes. I’ve increased my prices on those as much as the market will bear, but they’d never pay me that well.”

“I’m not so sure,” Lee said. “All the influx of rich people from Home have really driven prices up. Haven’t you gotten any work from them?”
“A couple of contracts after our aircars are done,” Alfonso said with a dismissive wave.

“You put escalator clauses on those linked to inflation I hope?”

“I said I wasn’t greedy. That doesn’t mean I’m stupid. But as much as I appreciate your custom, and the side gig we’re setting up, I’m not keen to sit on my butt and design stuff I’ll never get to build. Life is too short to do stuff that isn’t fun,” Alfonso said.

“Exactly!” Lee agreed.

Alfonso blinked a couple of times and obviously couldn’t parse that any way that she wasn’t contradicting herself.

“I’m offering more life, all out of proportion to the little bit of it I’m asking you to use. They are within a couple of months of offering basic life extension therapy for Derf. It’s in testing for any untoward reactions right now. It will be expensive until it is much more common and available from several sources. I’ll buy you the premium version – a lifetime subscription for future versions and add-ons. Tell me that isn’t a deal,” Lee challenged him.

Alfonso sighed. “I should just refuse to talk to you if I don’t want to get sucked into whatever you want. If I agree to listen, I might as well just ask what you want, and be resigned to accommodating you from the start.”

“You just don’t want anyone to doubt your independence,” Lee said. “You value that part of your reputation as much as being known for quality. I’m not going to damage that. I’ll be careful to structure our contracts so nobody knows exactly how much I’m paying you. Payment in kind makes it easier. I want you to be happy to work for me.”

Alfonso looked sour. “Happy is asking a lot. People think you’re a fool if you are all mindlessly chipper and cheerful all the time.”

“I hear what you’re saying. Some people would think you aren’t serious. Not me. You can still play curmudgeon with your public if you want and grin on the inside.”

“I suppose,” Alfonso allowed. “Tell me how they determine it’s safe. I’ve no desire to think I bought extra years and then discover it kills you early instead. I’m sure they would be very apologetic if that happened, and maybe pay a fine, but that would mean more to my heirs than me.”

“Keep this to yourself. I’m not sure Dr. Ames wants it talked around. He did the same with humans. He found Derf with a terminal disease and offered them a large cash payment for trying out particular gene mods. They have near nothing to lose and a lot of them do have family they would like to leave better off financially.”

“That makes perfect sense to me,” Alfonso said. “Why would you need to keep that quiet?”

“People can be strange,” Lee said. “He was sure some would feel he was taking advantage of their situation.”

“Well, he is, but not to their harm.”

“I agree. Some people got the false idea life extension is rejuvenation, and if you had a nasty cancer or something like an aneurysm it would treat it. It doesn’t work that way. The metabolic and immunological pathways are so similar in Humans and Derf we’re confident we won’t have any of the gross errors they made in early human LET. Dr. Ames has always been insistent that he won’t install a gene mode for which he doesn’t have an undo.”

Ah, he does sound sufficiently cautious,” Alfonso allowed. He stopped short of saying yes. Lee just sat silent and let him stew on it. She’d sold it all she was going to.

When the pause grew uncomfortable Alfonso started fidgeting with his hands.

“If I’m going to the trouble to design this truck we might as well license the design for anyone else who wants one, and pick up a little coin,” he suggested.

Lee took that for a yes.

“I don’t need an exclusive on it,” Lee agreed. “I would like at least one more copy to take to a supporter on Providence. How about if we have the same folks building the aircars to your design make the trucks?”

“They would probably need a new dedicated building,” Alfonso said. “I’ve been there and they are tight for space already.”

“Then we should build them new place and move the truck production to the old building,” Lee said. “If I have to finance the building and equipment, I want the same deal as the aircars. You get a straight ten percent add on fee.”

Alonso blinked.

“I’ve already agreed to design it. A per vehicle fee add-on is just found money for me.”

“You’re right, and you really aren’t greedy,” Lee said. She offered her hand to swipe.

“Done,” Alonso agreed and brushed her palm.

26 responses to “Snippet F.L. 8”

  1. Zebulon Dakota says:

    I’m so happy you can’t help yourself!

  2. Jerry says:

    Put me down for a pre-order now!

  3. John Marble says:

    I’ll be deliriously happy to read whatever you write!

  4. Ogre_in_Barrow says:

    Wonderful as always!! I’ve often thought about some of the secondary and tertiary characters … (thinking Alice in California, Mike on Providence, Lee’s prison buddy, Lee’s Cousins, Clare’s Family etc. etc.) How are they doing, how their lives have progressed and so on. I enjoy the occasion peek at Derf lives as well (Beethoven, Strangelove, Xerxes and many others). I’ve purchased and enjoyed everything you have written I can get my hands on, please keep going!

  5. Gregory says:

    Thank you Mack !!!
    Has anyone done a drawing of any Derf? I love the picture of the badger on the cover but do not think i have ever seen one of a Derf.

  6. jim says:

    Im so happy to see a snippet from one of my favorite universes.

  7. Teresa says:

    Fun! I’ll be happy with whatever book you decide you would have fun writing.

  8. Michael says:

    !!! Yes more Family Law!

  9. Steve says:

    I was trying to figure out why, even though I love both April and Family Law, I like FL more. What came to me is that the character growth in April is kind of frozen (except for the Foy’s), just incremental events to fill the timeline. Family Law is still expanding, exploring the characters and situations and going in new directions, Lee is still growing as a character as she is still growing up. I do love whatever you decide to write, I have all your books, some on multiple media, so thank you for everything you write.

  10. Wayne says:

    I was thrilled to get the announcement from Amazon about A Reluctant Sovereign. I got it and read it over two very enjoyable days.

    I’ve bought and read everything you’ve written, Mac. Thank you for those hours spent in your universe.

  11. Webley Silvernail says:

    Nice! Loved FL 7, Mac, and can hardly wait for #8 – not to mention future books with double digits!

  12. Cheryl says:

    Oh my I’m 2/3 through A Reluctant Sovereign and thoroughly enjoying it and now I see this. Oh joy! You’ve made my day.

    When you publish, I automatically click BUY

    Thank you

  13. Adam says:

    I know this is just a rough draft of something you haven’t written yet, but had to point this out:

    Ah, he does sound sufficiently cautious,” Alfonso allowed. (missing opening quotation marks)

    “Then we should build them new place and move the truck production to the old building,” Lee said. (A new place)

  14. Clarke says:

    Thanks Mackey! I really like Alfonso’s curmudgeonly ways…

  15. Delores says:

    I both love and hate these snippets.

    I love to get these snippets because I love these stories. I enjoy reading them even without a large overriding story line.

    I hate them because they whet the appetite, and I always want more and more and more.

  16. Stephan says:

    Great snippet as a grouchy aircraft mechanic I can relate directly to Alfonso. I would love to see an expansion to this.

  17. Nick says:

    Questions for the future,
    who will Tish get to start developing her estate?
    Badgers? Humans? Derf?
    Will Lee bring in more settlers, not just business people?
    Who would she get?
    Humans (Earth or spacer)? Town Derf? Hin? Badger, Bill & Cat?
    The mix of people (all races) would be interesting.

  18. Jerry says:

    Lee was advised to put a female Derf in charge, rather than a male. Seems she ignored that advice.

    Do you have ideas for Tom in the next book? Don’t spoil it by saying what they are. I am intrigued by how a budding AI will develop.

    I liked Fair Trade so if you do a sequel I know I will enjoy it.


  19. Fred Smith says:

    Possible typos: “Alfonso” or “Alonso”. I’m thinking it was Alonso who builds ships for Lee, do I remember right?

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