Unedited snippet of Family Law 8
October 13th, 2024 | Ramblings
“Mistress, we have another courier from a service with a card for you.”
The front desk man didn’t sound happy. The last courier she received ended up leaving on a gurney after making a mess on her best rug, leaving bullet pock marks on the walls, and disrupting the kitchen service. Lee wouldn’t blame them if they found having her as resident was losing its luster.
“I’ll have my security meet me down there to receive his message,” Lee told him, terminated that call and made another to arrange it.
“Strangelove, do you have a man near the hotel? I have a courier with a message at the front desk. After the last one I’m not inviting him up to my suite. I’d like some security presence to receive his card.”
“Well, gods be kind to me for once. I’m thankful you stopped doing that. I always have a man there and he’ll pull in a hotel security man to help. They’ll be there by the time you can ride down.”
“Thanks Strangelove. I’ll be armed too.”
“Of course!” Strangelove replied gruffly.
When Lee exited her elevator, the courier was still at the check-in desk but turned to face the elevators. Strangelove’s man was beside him and just a step back. He was about as big as male Derf get and had a possessive arm draped across the poor fellow’s shoulders. His hand was laid lightly over his shoulder but was it was the size of a dinner plate. The hotel’s security ‘man’ looked to be a petite female to Lee’s eye. She had an almost black coat of short fur and was about two thirds the size of Strangelove’s man. She had a security wand and sensor suite in hand, apparently used already.
Lee stopped short, slightly out of arm’s reach.
“I’m Lee Anderson,” she informed him. “From whom do you have a message?”
“Ma’am,” he said with a diffident nod. “This is from Kir Ambassador.” He offered the envelope cautiously, two handed. “I can return your answer.”
“Allow me,” the hotel security said and plucked it out of his hands. She felt it carefully with her true hands for lumps or wires and looked mildly surprised.
“It’s scented,” she said. “Something strong and unfamiliar.” She held it away from her body and slit it open with a claw. Satisfied there was nothing inside but a card, she handed it to Lee.
The scent was spicy. It reminded Lee of cloves but with a touch of something hotter. The card itself was a single sheet, not a fold over, and embossed with a botanical design around the edges. Perhaps that plant pictured was the source of the scent? The message was printed in English using a green ink that matched the decoration.
Kir Ambassador invites your presence to celebrate the completion of her embassy residence and the arrival of my personal furnishings and supplies from home so I may entertain guests in comfort. Three days hence on the fifth day of the Derf month on the day Humans style as Wednesday in the local rotation. From the fourteenth hour until dawn of the next day.
“Inform Kir Ambassador I’ll be delighted to attend,” Lee said. The poor courier was worried by this heavy security so she tipped him one of the new one-gram gold coins she was having made instead of a dollar Ceres. “Excuse our caution. A previous courier turned out to be a would-be assassin.”
The courier’s expression changed from concerned to a totally unexpected fierce look.
“Please tell me that story had a happy ending,” he said through bared teeth.
Lee laughed. “I’ve never heard it put quite that way, but yes it ended well, for us.”
“Good. That sort makes it tough for people who just want to make an honest living.”
“What is your name?” the female security asked. “If you come again tell the desk your name and we’ll have a gentler response.”
“Allen, ma’am. Working for Fast Runners. And thank you for the tip,” he directed to Lee, excusing himself.
“There’s more to that one than meets the eye,” the hotel security lady said. “I might recruit him after a little investigation. We’re short on Humans.”
“Indeed,” Strangelove’s soldier said, “but I suspect you’ll find he has been out on the point of the spear and happy to be done with it.”
“That’d reading a lot of depth to it,” she said.
“No. He’s right,” Lee said.
When both of them looked surprised at the firmness of her conviction, she explained.
“I’ve been taking lessons.”
Yes! Hope you’re feeling better. FL8 sounds really exciting 🙂
Caught two glitches –
Strangelove, do you a man near the hotel? have a man
but I suspect you’ll find he been out on the point of the spear he’s been
I caught a different one: Kir ambassador is used once, & Ker ambassador is used twice. I don’t remember which was used in book 7.
Kir. I missed that one 🙂
Thanks, Mac. Hope things are well with you and yours. Looking forward to the Family Law book, from the snippets it really seems to be intriguing. 🤓
Sweet! Eagerly waiting for more Family Law.
Loved it, cannot wait.
Another typo found “but was it was the size of a dinner plate”. I think the 1st “was” is not suppos be there.
Yay! So glad to see you are recovered at least enough for a snippet! Please take care of yourself.
Loved this snippet. Glad your loyal readers are catching the errors so well. This helps you as well as getting us enthused while waiting for the next book
Best wishes on the recovery from the blood clot and surgery! Also, thank you for the snippet. April and Family Law are two of my all-time favorite series, easily in the top 5, including all the SF and Fantasy I’ve read over the past 50 years.
In a recent post, you expressed surprise at the fervor of the compliments your work has received in reviews. Don’t be surprised; your readers certainly aren’t.
Just an interesting aside. I have read your snippets for years… I have another author I follow that writes her books online on her livejournal blog ( https://pamuphoff.livejournal.com/ ). She seems to publish 100 percent of them there as she writes and when finished she publishes it as a document on google docs open to anyone reading and commenting with suggestions for edit corrections.Then eventually she publishes on amazon. I’m not much for reading web serials as they come out but see a bunch of authors do so and also generate income outside sales on one of the donation sites. I pretty much just grab and read them like yours when push up to amazon. However I thought about it given how many people here religiously comment and send corrections to you. Potentially this model could be extra income and editing help for you. I think you would enjoy talking to Mrs. Uphoff, you should reach out and talk to her and ask about her experience doing it the way she does. Not sure how much fiction you read but I bet based on what you write that you would enjoy her science fiction a lot. I’m pretty sure she would like yours also.
I know Pam Uphoff and respect her and her work. I’ve never met her face to face but that’s true of a lot of people in the business. We’ve corresponded. I really want to keep things simple. I don’t have time to do much but write. Every complexity I add takes time from writing – and I don’t have enough time for that now. I’m very happy with my income and won’t double my effort to make 10% or 20% more.
I love the snippet, and eagerly await the book. I’ve come late to ‘April’ and ‘Family Law’; for some reason I resisted them. But after starting, I’ve just plowed through them, and love seeing that a new one is in the works.
I can’t reach your site from outside of USA suddenly and I have no idea way, so I have to use on online proxi to reach the site.
If I try without a proxy I get this error: DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN and for some reason it looks like it only are affecting your site.
I can’t reach your site from outside of USA suddenly and I have no idea way, so I have to use on online proxi to reach the site.
If I try without a proxy I get this error: DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN and for some reason it looks like it only are affecting your site.
FWIW I’m inside the USA and for the last week or so about half the time my browser says it can’t find this site. I just assumed it was a bad DNS entry on one of the DNS servers.
It’s beyond my technical ability but I have a guy working on it.
I am also inside the USA, and it took me several tries (due to timeouts with SITE NOT FOUND errors) to get this site to come up today. (I was obviously able to finally connect)
Wow, just wow, your comments above were fascinating
Any updates to share? 🙂
Mackey, like the snippet! But this sentence:
Kir Ambassador invites your presence to celebrate the completion of her embassy residence and the arrival of my personal furnishings and supplies from home so I may entertain guests in comfort.
the part up to “embassy residence” is third person and the rest is first person. Creates some significant dissonance inside my head.
Thank you!