Mackey Chandler

Another Name for Magic

Should be published in the next day or two. Errors are pretty much done and just waiting on a cover.

18 responses to “Another Name for Magic”

  1. Thorsten says:

    Can’t wait. Recently started another reread of all the books (after updating them to the latest version).

  2. Myzifer says:

    Seeing this reminded me of another story you teased a couple years back (, I wanted to comment on it but your website wouldn’t let me and kept saying “Spam Deleted”.

    I assume because I was the last person to comment on it and made a spell correction comment, so 3 comments in a row is prohibited.

    I can’t wait to read this new Family Law book, but I’ll also always hold out hope you’ll go back to “A Quick Clean Victory” one day.

    Below was otherwise going to be my comment on it’s page,

    “This story keeps coming back to me as something awesome I’d want to read, looking at the dates I remember about it at least once a year, then check back on it awaiting updates with eager anticipation.”

  3. Dorcas Gray says:

    Yay! Can’t wait!

  4. HamsterDesTodes says:


  5. Anonymous says:

    i have been rereading april and family law recently. in the last april book jeff sold off camilot. but in the last family law book, when lee takes jeff to the club by the docks, lee shows jeff the gambling parlor in the club and jeff comments that he also has a gambling establishment on the moon: “On the Moon, I’m Lord of a small town,” Jeff told him. “It’s sort of a protectorate or dependent territory under my Sovereign Heather. It has a casino she barely tolerates,

    • boballab says:

      Yes he sold it, but there was also the part where the new owners screwed up by trying to get rid of all the residents without physically taking control of the habitat. Jeff stated that the residents could then sabotage the the physical plant including the air and the place would be basically worthless to them when talking with Feng IIRC. I have a feeling that is what will happen in April 13 and Jeff will buy it back for a song.

  6. Cheryl says:

    Oh boy am I ready! Will be checking every few hours

  7. Big Ben says:

    Just tapped BUY NOW!
    Now the savoring begins, months of your hard work devoured in a few hours.
    And also the question I’m sure drives every author nuts: “So, when does the next book come out?”
    Just kidding! Just kidding! (but no, seriously, when …?)

  8. Cheryl says:

    Thoroughly enjoyed as usual. Now the wait for my next read

  9. Harry says:

    Bought it yesterday. Read it, pretty much at one sitting, with a break for dinner. As usual, I was sad when it was over! Great book, Mac, solid addition to the series, and left me wanting MORE, MORE, MORE! Now I’m already Jonesing for the next April book! Guess I’ll have to go re-read the whole thing again while I wait.

  10. muehe says:

    Are there any pictures or sketch of a Derf?

  11. Big Ben says:

    I’m curious myself.
    It would make for a good future book cover – something like the scene in the bar where Musical and Born are mobbed by scantily clad young humans all wanting a photo op, asking Born to look scary, maybe with Lee sitting off to the side laughing at him. That would give us a look at both a Derf and a Badger.
    Or maybe something like that scene where the clan Derf soldiers are guarding the car outside the club, wearing the ornate clan armor while the town Derf gather around and admire them. Create a scene where they’re guarding Lee’s new air car, so we could see that too, with Lee and Gordon in the image, maybe approaching from the distance.

    On the other hand, it’s fun contemplating that right now there’s thousands of slightly different versions of a Derf, Badger, Bill, Biter, etc. out there, locked away in the imagination of each reader. If a definitive image ever comes out, all those fantastical flights of fancy get condensed down to one.

  12. DavidF says:

    You really are a subversive thinker. Love your work.

  13. Emanuel V Pinto says:

    I started with the Family Law series, then moved to the April series.
    I could not put the books down.
    I find myself eagerly awaiting the next installment of both series.
    I have added your blog to my favorites and I don’t do that very often, as my free time is short and there is not a whole lot of it.

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