Mackey Chandler

April – the first one is free…

Your pusher here. All weekend 12/7 and 12/8 the first of series “April” is a free download. HEH HEH HEH

MESSED UP – APPARENTLY I CHECKED OFF THE WRONG BOX. It appears “Paper or Plastic?” is free today. Can’t change it this late. Sorry for the error.

4 responses to “April – the first one is free…”

  1. Jenn Foley says:

    Do you have any idea how long it usually takes to publish after the beta readers are done? I know every book is different , but I’ve checked your site for an update about a dozen times today. Thanks!

    • Mac says:

      It’s going to take a good month. I have several people not only spotting spelling or grammar errors but I had several important observations on things that needed to be added. That’s pretty fast actually…

  2. Claire says:

    I am a huge fan of the series and I was wondering when you think the next book will be out. I kept refreshing the amazon page today but finally decided to write you directly. Thanks for writing such a good story.

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