Mackey Chandler


Audiobook up

My first audiobook is available at Tantor or the Amazon sales page for “Family Law”.


Not sure how far my contacts went – if it reached people here please ignore a mail that says DOCUMENTS.
My password is changed now.…

It was a cloudy dark day in Brussels, darker for being late in the day and the auditor examining the expenses for the join Mars base was in a still darker mood. Things didn’t add up to make any sort …

“North America’s only interest in New Las Vegas right now seems to be skimming off whatever easy cut of the winnings are theirs. They don’t withhold for non-citizens, so that’s dried up to almost nothing. There’s no government money coming …

“Neither Here nor There”

It’s selling nicely and I’ve updated it twice when some typos were pointed out. There are six reviews up this morning. Please review it even if you can’t give it a 5 star review. Thank you.…

“Neither Here nor There”

Just published on Amazon. It will take awhile to show up everywhere.

“Neither Here Nor There”

Getting close to a release. Here’s the cover.

Stand alone book done.

“Neither Here nor There” is out to readers. I lost my old desktop in a crash so bad it would not reboot, so I lost all my e-mail addresses. If I failed to send a copy to somebody I promised …


Well I have an advance paid and have delivered Word files to Tantor Media. The Family Law series of books will be released one by one now. I hope this is good for people who have trouble reading e-books.…

What’s happening:

I’ve signed a contract for audiobooks of the four Family Law series books. They will be released one by one over the next year.
I’ve settled on a title for the next release as “Neither Here nor There”. There is …

A sale

My readers and Amazon have been really good to me. I thank all of you who like my stuff. Amazon even kicked in a $1,000 All Star bonus for Sept. because I had over 4.5million page views. I’m going to …

Snippet from WIP – Stand alone book

Not 100% sure what this will be titled. Maybe Outcast.

The next day was his last, so Jay asked if he could use a horse to go back up to the lake himself. He wanted to mark out his claim. …

FREE this weekend

A snippet of April #10 –

Rough and unedited as always. Fair sized because it will be in the Amazon preview anyway.

Chapter 1

Eileen sat back and observed the party with a detachment that was calculating, and beyond her years. That was her personality. She …

Free – this weekend. Family Law #1

Look carefully to see it is free. Your time may not be Amazon time.

A Hop, Skip and a Jump is published.

Amazon was sort of slow last night, and I was delayed posting it since I was given an unexpected opportunity after supper to take everything out from under the kitchen sink and tear apart the plumbing.
This is the 4th …

Raw and unedited as always.

Bacon’s office was cool with a ceiling a good four meters overhead, and a few short windows for light near the ceiling. Most things Bacon needed to read would be shown on a modern …

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