Mackey Chandler

Fixed some stuff…

I’ve had complaints that I don’t attribute my quotes sufficiently. So I went through “Family Law” and added a lot of ‘Lee said’ – ‘Gordon said’ and changed he or she to names. I protested that when two characters are speaking back and forth it is obvious from context who is speaking. But the other writers I talk with all assured me it is clear in my head where I ‘hear’ what I am writing but not to readers.
I found a few double spaces and missing words too but nothing major.
I also corrected my habit of closing paragraphs with quotes while the same character is continuing to speak. I attribute that to my being a failure as an English student.
Most of the foolishness in English classes such as diagramming sentences left me in a stunned state of disbelief. I have been told my grammar is better in Spanish than English. I find that unsurprising as Spanish is much more consistent.
But for anybody who was bothered by those issues the new file on Amazon fixes them. It will be a few weeks before the paperback gets the changes.

3 responses to “Fixed some stuff…”

  1. Ed Patterson says:

    My feeling on grammar, attributed quotes, etc. is do they bother the reader enough to throw them out of the mode of the story. If so they need correcting. (I need spell and grammar check, multiple readings, and luck when I write things, so I am not a good source of advice on the mechanics but I read alot.)

    My take on your writing is that it has continued to improve as you wrote more stories. I will appreciate the extra work on that in future stories. I also am glad you are taking the time to upgrade your released work. It will (hopefully) mean many more readers which will encourage you to write more.

    I appreciate that the Family Law series gives you a change of pace to help keep you fresh for more writing.

    I look forward to April #6 and many more of your stories.

  2. Terry Dean says:

    My Kindle version of Family Law recently updated with a number of inconsistent paragraph indents fixed. I reread (most of it) and found a number of corrections. Great! Much improved. I still found a (very) few missing or misplaced quote marks (and one strangely formated paragraph), but it was a lot better. Thank you.

    I don’t know if perfect grammar can be achieved, but certainly not at the expense of the story. And you tell a very good story. I know which I prefer!

    I really enjoyed Family Law and the sequel.

    • Mac says:

      It was only up like that for a couple hours. I tried to upload it from a .doc file and it did the huge indents. I reloaded it from a HTML file and it fixed it. If you have updates active it should correct it.

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