Mackey Chandler

Personal events for the author

March 8th I’m going to have a total shoulder replacement. I’ll have a first stage recovery of about six weeks where we need household help and I’ll be sleeping in a lift recliner. Showers and other normal activities will be difficult. Writing will be one of the few things I can do. So I may actually make more progress than when I’m doing shopping, cooking, and laundry.

28 responses to “Personal events for the author”

  1. Anonimous says:

    i am not sure if i should be happy or concerned. i hope and pray that you will have new and improved shoulder!

  2. Sarah says:

    Hope it goes well, and have an easy recovery.

  3. Cheryl says:

    Ditto for me, best wishes for a safe speedy recovery

  4. Melvyn says:

    Hope it all goes well and the operation is successful

  5. Michiel says:

    The same from me, hope all goes well and the recovery goes as well as it can be.

  6. Teresa says:

    Take care of yourself! Whether you are up to writing or not.

  7. Christine says:

    Hope the surgery is a complete success and you gain mobility and a pain free shoulder. Best wishes and I am sure every future snippet will jelp your recovery 😉

  8. Gus says:

    speedy recovery and take it easy. also do all your silly PT exercises even if they suck, it helps.

  9. Mike G says:

    Ouch, that sounds like no fun at all. Good luck, and I hope you have a smooth recovery!

  10. Trevin Matlock says:

    All best wishes for a full and speedy recovery.

  11. Nick says:

    Have you been assimilated by the Borg or upgraded by Cybermen?

  12. Jennifer says:

    Hope your surgery and recovery go well!

  13. Andrew says:

    Best wishes for your surgery and recovery.

    I love your books and i am eagerly awaiting your next one, but your recovery comes first. please look after yourself. 🙂

  14. Thorsten says:

    I wish you all the best and a quick and smooth recovery.

  15. Harry K says:

    Bummer, Mac. Getting old really sucks. Hope it goes well and you make a full and speedy recovery. Maybe the new FL will be finished before your surgery? Stick with the physio – its annoying but worth it.

  16. Philda says:

    Have a speedy recovery.

  17. Dorcas Gray says:

    Hope it all goes well and you recover quickly.

  18. David power says:

    Hope everything goes according to plan and you get a good result with fast recovery.

  19. Petercj says:

    Good luck!

  20. Ricardo Venegas says:

    Hope it all goes well, and best wishes!!!

  21. nickelby says:

    As they say “Getting old is not for sissies!”. A speedy recovery first followed by a speedy FL release second!

    Good luck!

  22. Butte Bill says:

    Best wishes on successful surgery and good recovery. 9A couple more surgeries and you’ll be a 5 million dollar man.)

  23. Ricardo Venegas says:

    Good luck Tomorrow!

  24. Jim Davis says:

    Hope your surgery went well!

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