March 11th, 2024 | Ramblings
I spent 3 days in the hospital. They’d have had me stay another if I wanted but I declined. Too tired and hurting to write a big thing. Later…
March 11th, 2024 | Ramblings
I spent 3 days in the hospital. They’d have had me stay another if I wanted but I declined. Too tired and hurting to write a big thing. Later…
Congrats on your escape! Hope you’re improving at a good rate.
Glad to hear you’ve managed to get out of there. Focus on recovery, we’ll be here when you’re up to it.
Yay, Best Wishes for your recovery.
Yeah! Good that you are out & recovering.
I hate hospitals, they are full of sick people!
I hope you are much better soon. Enjoy the spring. When you feel like writing write. If never again, I have enjoyed all of your stories more than once. Thank you for them. Ed
Let’s hope for a full and speedy recovery!
Glad that the operation went well.
Relax and focus on your recovery.
Glad you survived!
Glad to hear your surgery went well. Fingers crossed for a speedy recovery.
Surgery? Damn.
Get well soon, so you can write more soon!
Glad to hear things went well.
You’ll be back to doing one armed pushups in no time! 😉
Hope your recovery is swift and trouble free.
Doing well. Pain dropping.
Hooray! Thanks for letting us know!
hip hip hooray!
Thinking good thoughts for a full and speedy recovery. Take care of yourself!
I hope your recovery is quick and complete!
Looking forward to the next book (or even short story) you grace us with release…
Rest, Heal, Imagine…let your mind play while your body works to mend. Imagine all the ways you would be treated for this on Home and what the options for treatment would have been..
Glad to see you’re on the mend Mac. Hope you are back in the writing saddle soon.
I send you good healing thoughts.
Beyond buying your books, that’s all I can do. Thoughts and prayers. Please. Recover soon,
I am glad that you survived the medical procedure, but also that you’re healing and the pain is lessening.
At our age, mid-late 70’s, that’s as good as it gets!
I truly appreciate the near future tales your mind has created. April and Family Law.
The problem with factual science reporting is that there is only credible evidence reporting and no speculation on what might be discovered.
Factual science says “we know” but are reluctant to speculate.
Speculative science tales as you write are much appreciated!
Go fast, two different means, but go fast!
In my 2024 reality, I can only hope that some smart child in the next few hundred years discovers alternative realities to exceed the speed of light.
Fantasy is good! And you tales are among the best!
Thank you for imagining and writing about these alternative realities.
Safe recovery, pain lessening rapidly, these are my hopes for you.
Sadly it seems you are prescient. I see more things every week of the world going the way you’ve been predicting in your books for more than 10 years.
Will immediately purchase anything you write and treasure it as I read and reread over the years.
Evening. My time 1854. I agree whole heartily with you about the conditions around the world. With Europe ramping up. Have been exploring alternate places to live. I’m in PRC the ( People’s Republic of Canada). Paraguay has the easiest options to gain entry that I’ve seen so far.
I also send my wishes for Mr. Chandler’s quick recovery, and continued good health.
Much as I want the next book I’d rather you stay healthy so please take time to recover properly
I hope you get better soon. Just being in the hospital takes a lot out of you. Then with major surgery on top, you are probably just exhausted. Hopefully the worst is over. Best of luck for your recovery and physical therapy.
Hi Mac’,
I hope your recovery and rehab are progressing well. I see you’re responding to posts so that is encouraging! I had reached out to you on “the others” account, but it didn’t seem like you were using that anymore and I wanted to wish you well in your recovery.
Best wishes and positive thoughts,
Sending lots of love and healing vibes your way for a speedy recovery.
Wishing you all the best and a speedy recovery!
Physical therapy regime?
Eleven weeks. Two done already.
Hope you are feeling better sir. Please take care of yourself. You are a treasure. Keep writing. Thank you for an amazing journey into your mind.
I just had surgery too Mac! I got a new eye! I can read your books again 😀
very nice
Glad you survived and hope you have a good result and rapid recovery to enjoy not being in pain.
Please, an update on how your recovery is going.
No more office PT – just on me. I have better range of motion than they expected. They seemed a little scared I’d hurt myself when I suggested a hand weight instead of just empty handed. It’s been easy except the day after surgery.
So glad to hear from you again!
I am sure that we are all glad to hear that you’re doing better than expected!