It has been re-edited recently. If you have a copy tell a friend please. Link on right.…
New cover for “A Different Perspective”
Editing still in progress, but here is the cover.
“Common Ground and Other Stories” – FREE days
Sat. / Sun. / Mon. – April 13 thru 15 – tell your friends. Any reviews are very much appreciated.…
I’m also cleaning up “Down to Earth”
It’s not as bad as “April”, though it still needs a lot of commas. I have found a few missing quote marks – but nothing like “April”. I changes a couple sentences that were not clear at all. I’m at …
Working on cleaning up “April” – DONE
I’m finding a lot of errors. I’m embarrassed how bad it is. will be another week at least before I can post it.
Finished finally. I hope you find this reads much easier.…
“Paper or Plastic?” is Free 4/1
Tell your friends, or enemies……
“Paper or Plastic?” has been edited heavily
I found a lot to correct. Not looking at it for a long time made the errors just jump out at me. I added a substantial portion of the unused commas in the universe. It won’t propagate through the Amazon …
Minor problems –
Amazon generally works well. However I am having trouble updating my book description. They thought they fixed it once – but it never showed up. We’ll see if this time they can fix it.…
“A Different Perspective” is finished
I have it out to edit and to a few beta readers. It was difficult to finish as I had a severe gout attack that left me sleep deprived and seems to have done some permanent damage to my right …
Price and perception
After a brief introductory period I raised the price on my last book in the April series to $3.99. I was told by most Indie authors that $2.99 books carried a stigma. So far nobody has complained. Instead the new …